Pharmaceutical Technology Europe- February 2023

Pharmaceutical Technology Europe- February 2023

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Page 20 of 32 Bio/Pharma Outsourcing Innovation eBook 2023 Pharmaceutical Technology ® 21 Manufacturing Scale-out versus scale-up Changing the scales of an existing facilit y, for ex- ample, ceiling height, autoclave capacities, f loor weight loads, gas supply capacities, liquid handling size units, and seed train changes can be associated with significant challenges. Consequently, scale-out is often seen as a more viable alternative to scale-up, providing manufacturing f lexibility and better adap- tation to market f luctuations. SUTs are particularly well-suited for this strategy. Process validation is also more straightforward; by using a bracket validation design, no additional valida- tion is necessarily needed. Scale-out manufacture also means that in the event of failure (dependent on the root cause), the entire batch is not lost but rather only one unit. With more options now available for success- ful process intensification, scale-out has become an in- creasingly attractive option to ATMP manufacturers. Key lessons There are many important considerations that must be made when scaling processes for ATMP produc- tion. Offering f lexibility as well as scalability, SUTs are well-suited to ATMP manufacturing, particularly when scaling out. With advancements in SUTs and their availability in varying sizes, the adoption of these technologies is likely to become increasingly more pop- ular. However, manufacturers will still face challenges when scaling with SUTs and will need to understand and consider all process parameters that may be im- pacted at changing scales. ■ References 1. Mordor Intel ligence. Biologics Market – Growth, Trends, COVID-19 Impact, and Forecasts. 2022–2027 (accessed March 2022). 2. B o y d Te c h n o l o g i e s . T h e R i s e o f S i n g l e - u s e Bioreactors: Why Make the Switch? www.boydtech. com. June 21, 2018. 3. Pharmaceutical Technologies. The Logistics of Ex- tending the Footprint of Advanced Therapy Trials. Sept. 14, 2021. 4. Stanton, D. Update: Thermo Fisher Scaling Sin- gle-use Bioreactors Up to 5,000 L. w w w.biopro- Sept. 25, 2019. 5. Pall. Improve Productivity and Reliability of our Critical Upstream Operations by Investing in the Right Cell Culture Technology Solutions. https://www. (accessed March 2022). 6. Corning. Ascent FBR System: Adherent Cell Biore- actor System. en/products/ life-sciences/products/ bioprocess/as- cent-f br-system.html (accessed May 2022). 7. Corning. Corning Ascent: Fixed Bed Reactor Sys- tem: Scaling from Process Development to Produc- tion with an Attachment-dependent Cell Growth Plat for m. ht tps://w w w.cor documents/ brochures/CLS-BP- 050.pdf (accessed March 2022). 8. BioPhorum. Justification of Small-Scale Models: A n i ndust r y Perspec t ive. w w w.biophor May 5, 2021. Drug Solutions Podcast: Outsourcing vs. Insourcing in Biopharma: Determining the Best Strategy: Part 2 Pharmaceutical Technology presents the Drug Solutions podcast, where the editors will chat with industry experts from across the pharmaceutical and biopharmaceutical supply chain. Join us as experts share insights into your biggest ques- tions—from the technologies, to strategies, to regulations related to the development and manufacture of drug products. In this episode of the Drug Solutions Podcast, Meg Rivers discusses outsourcing strategies in biopharma with Jeff Hen- derson, key account manager of Vetter. In part two of this outsourcing series, Meg Rivers and Jeff Henderson, key account manager of Vetter, discuss: • What the biopharma industry currently tends to outsource • Outsourcing strategies the biopharma industry should be utilizing • Internal tasks the biopharma industry should consider outsourcing more in development and manufacturing • What the biopharma industry should reconsider outsourcing and instead perform in-house • What organizations are choosing not to outsource and why • And more For more podcast episodes, visit our website! SCAN ME!

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