Equine & Livestock Product & Promotions Guide

March 2023

Animal Health Solution - a Henry Schein Animal Health magazine for veterinary professionals

Issue link: https://www.e-digitaleditions.com/i/1492759

Contents of this Issue


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EASY STEPS TO LAUNCH: 1. Click on the CareCredit icon in settings in your Covetrus practice management software. 2. Change the Merchant ID. 3. Activate CareCredit. 4. Start enjoying the bene ts of your integration! Visit cvet.co/integrate-care-credit to connect with your representative. | Call 855-478-7920. Questions? Launch into easier days. easier days. SEE WHAT'S POSSIBLE WITH YOUR CARECREDIT INTEGRATION: Easy way to help clients apply for the CareCredit credit card * Simple for your team to run transactions Fast access to client accounts * Except for providers in California who are prohibited under state law from submitting applications on behalf of patients for certain healthcare loans or lines of credit, including the CareCredit credit card. © 2022 Covetrus, Inc. All rights reserved. No copying without consent. EASY STEPS TO LAUNCH: 1. Click on the CareCredit icon in settings in your Covetrus practice management software. 2. Change the Merchant ID. 3. Activate CareCredit. 4. Start enjoying the bene ts of your integration! Visit cvet.co/integrate-care-credit to connect with your representative. | Call 855-478-7920. Questions? Launch into easier days. easier days. SEE WHAT'S POSSIBLE WITH YOUR CARECREDIT INTEGRATION: Easy way to help clients apply for the CareCredit credit card * Simple for your team to run transactions Fast access to client accounts * Except for providers in California who are prohibited under state law from submitting applications on behalf of patients for certain healthcare loans or lines of credit, including the CareCredit credit card. © 2022 Covetrus, Inc. All rights reserved. No copying without consent. EASY STEPS TO LAUNCH: 1. Click on the CareCredit settings in your Covetrus management software. 2. Change the Merchant 3. Activate CareCredit. 4. Start enjoying the of your integration! Visit cvet.co/integrate-care-credit to connect with your representative. | Questions? Launch into easier days. easier days. SEE WHAT'S POSSIBLE WITH YOUR CARECREDIT INTEGRATION: Easy way to help clients apply for the CareCredit credit card * Simple for your team to run transactions Fast access to client accounts * Except for providers in California who are prohibited under state law from submitting applications on behalf of patients for certain healthcare loans or lines of credit, including the CareCredit credit card. © 2022 Covetrus, Inc. All rights reserved. No copying without consent. Integrate CareCredit ® with your Covetrus ® practice management software.

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