
2023 Spring Summer Activity Guide Final

Morton Grove Park District Activity Guide

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BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS ELECTED BY THE PUBLIC AND RESPONSIBLE FOR SETTING POLICY Greeting Morton Grove Residents, Everyone at the Morton Grove Park District hopes you and your family had a wonderful holiday season and have gotten a great start to the New Year! The park district staff certainly has, as they have been diligently working on spring and summer programming. Some might not know, but Keith White has resigned from the board. Keith was appointed to the board in 2017. During his time on the board, Keith approved the replacement of three playgrounds, renovations to Austin Park, revisions to the District's Strategic and Comprehensive Plan, and the replacement of Harrer Pool as well as attending countless events. Keith's sense of humor and insightful approach to problem-solving will be missed. Summer is a great time to spend outside, and we encourage you to get out and enjoy the season. Check out all the events on pages 8-10, and be sure to join us at Harrer Park Pavilion for the Summer Concert Series on Tuesday nights.This year we will off er a varied selection of music genres for your enjoyment. There will be vintage jazz, rhythm and blues, latin jazz/pop, swing, soul, and even yacht rock! Don't forget Morton Grove Days! For over 100 years, this event has provided residents with music, a carnival, a parade, and fi reworks for the Fourth of July holiday. The park district assists the Morton Grove Days Foundation and the Village of Morton Grove in this event. This year festivities begin on Saturday, July 1st. Visit the park district as we off er activities for young kids on July 1st from 2 to 4 pm. We are thrilled to announce the replacement of Harrer Pool won the Illinois Park & Recreation Association's Outstanding Park and Facility Award. This award is presented to public agencies for outstanding and unique achievements in the design and development of new or renovated recreation parks and facilities. It is exciting to know our pool is considered "best" throughout the State of Illinois. We hope to see you out in the parks this summer. Steve Schmidt President, Board of Park Commissioners Register at | 2023 Spring | Summer Activity Guide 3 DISCOVER OUR DIGITAL COMMUNITY E-NEWSLETTER All the information you need about programs, events, and District News delivered directly to your inbox. WEBSITE Click on the website to register for classes, learn about new programs, view project updates, browse the Activity Guide, and so much more. FACEBOOK Find us on Facebook to stay informed about special events, and programs, to view photos, and to connect with your Morton Grove community. INSTAGRAM Receive immediate news, alerts, reminders, and updates when you follow us on mortongroveparkdistrict/ MISSION STATEMENT > Morton Grove Park District Is committed to complementing our community's quality of life, economic capacity, health and wellness through recreational opportunities while protecting natural resources. Steven Schmidt President Paul Minx Vice President Mazhar Khan Treasurer John Pietron Commissioner A fi ve-member Board of Commissioners governs the Morton Grove Park District. The Board serves without compensation for a six-year term and is directly responsible to the electorate. A professional staff , led by the Executive Director handles day-to-day operations. The Morton Grove Board of Park Commissioners welcomes citizens at all their meetings. All meetings are held at the Prairie View Community Center, 6834 Dempster Street, Morton Grove, IL. Individuals needing special assistance should call one (1) week in advance (847) 965-1200 so that arrangements can be made. Park District Board Meetings are held on the third Wednesday each month at 6:30 pm This schedule is subject to change. For more information, call (847) 965-1200 or visit the website at PRESIDENT'S LETTER

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