
2023 Spring Summer Activity Guide Final

Morton Grove Park District Activity Guide

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Morton Grove Park District | 6834 Dempster Street | (847) 965-1200 | 26 YOUR SAFETY IS OUR BUSINESS All Morton Grove Park District lifeguards are certifi ed through Ellis & Associates, a leader in the aquatics industry. In accordance with the Ellis & Associates International Pool and Waterpark Lifeguard training program, our guards must complete a minimum of 28 hours of initial training. 2023 POOL RULES ● Food brought from home can be enjoyed only in the concession area. Re-entry is available by getting your hand stamped before you leave. ● Children age 3+ must pay admission fee. ● Children under 12 years old must be supervised by a guardian at least 16 years of age. ● Tight fi tting rubber pants or Huggie-like Little Swimmers must be worn by infants and toddlers. No disposable diapers permitted. ● No picture taking on cameras/camera cell phones while in the pool facilities. ● Proof of residency must be shown to receive resident entry rates. Children must either have a parent escort them inside with a current driver's license, or the child must show a Morton Grove Library Card, or Gymnasium Pass to prove residency. ● All swimmers must wear a swimsuit with a liner. No athletic wear. SWIM LESSONS FORMAT This program is designed to have your child learn the fundamentals of swimming and advance through levels while learning new skills to make them an excellent swimmer. There are fi ve levels throughout the swim school program. If your child completes all skills in one level, they will then move onto the next level during the session. Each child will receive a certifi cate when passing out of a level. Come join the fun! SWIM LESSON CANCELLATION POLICY In the event that swim lessons cannot run in the water, the Park District will cancel lessons. Park District will update the Pool Hotline (847-965-7558) when Swim Lessons are cancelled. Note: Classes will run in a light rain and cold weather. Classes will only get cancelled due to severe weather. MGPD SWIM LESSONS + GENERAL INFO SWIM LESSONS Ages 5-13 This program is designed to have your child learn the basic fundamentals of swimming and advance through levels while learning new skills to make them an excellent swimmer. If your child completes all skills in one level, they will then move onto the next level during the session. Each child will receive a certifi cate when passing out of a level. Come join the fun! LOC: Oriole Aquatic Center MIN/MAX: 5/24 *No Class 07/04 CODE DAY DATE TIME FEE 320701-01 M-F 6/12-6/23 9:00-9:40 am R $110/NR $138 320701-02 M-F 6/26-7/7* 9:00-9:40 am R $99/NR $124 320701-03 M-F 7/10-7/21 9:00-9:40 am R $110/NR $138 320701-04 M-F 7/24-8/4 9:00-9:40 am R $110/NR $138 320701-05 Sa 6/17-8/5 10:00-10:40 am R $88/NR $110 LOC: Harrer Pool MIN/MAX: 5/24 *No Class 07/04 NEW EVENING SWIM LESSONS CODE DAY DATE TIME FEE 320701-06 Tu,Th 6/13-7/6* 6:30-7:10 pm R $77/NR $97 320701-07 Tu,Th 7/11-8/3 6:30-7:10 pm R $88/NR $110 TINY SPLASH SWIM LESSONS Ages 3-5 Located in our zero-depth pool, these swim lessons are perfect for your toddler who has never swam before! In this class your child will learn how to do various skills such as blow bubbles, perform fl oats, kicks, get their head wet, etc. LOC: Oriole Aquatic Center MIN/MAX: 5/12 *No Class 07/04 CODE DAY DATE TIME FEE 320702-01 M-F 6/12-6/23 9:00-9:30 am R $100/NR $125 320702-02 M-F 7/10-7/21 9:00-9:30 am R $125/NR $100 320702-04 M-F 7/24-8/4 9:00-9:30 am R $100/NR $125 320702-05 Sa 6/17-8/5 9:10-9:40 am R $80/NR $100 PARENT TOT SWIM LESSONS Ages 6 mos-3 This fun parent tot class introduces young swimmers to the aquatic environment. Children will enjoy a lesson fi lled with songs and games that will allow all young swimmers to become acclimated with the water. Parents must be in the water to assist their child during class. Swim diapers are required for all children who are not yet potty-trained. LOC: Oriole Aquatic CenterMIN/MAX: 5/15 CODE DAY DATE TIME FEE 320704-01 Sa 6/17-8/5 8:30-9:00 am R $55/NR $69 ADULT SWIM LESSONS Ages 18 and up Located in our lap pool, this class is designed for adults who are not comfortable in the water or would like to learn more about swim technique. Instructors will focus on what the participant wants to learn. LOC: Oriole Aquatic Center MIN/MAX: 4/15 CODE DAY DATE TIME FEE 320706-01 Sa 6/17-8/5 9:00-9:40 am R $90/NR $113 PRIVATE SWIM LESSONS Ages and up Have a hectic schedule but still want your child to develop their swimming skills? Are you an adult who is not comfortable in the water and would like to learn more about swim technique. This program is designed to provide one on one attention and fi t into your schedule. This package includes fi ve 30-minute lessons. Once you sign up you will be contacted by our swim lesson coordinator. If a mutual date and time cannot be set up, you will receive a full refund. LOC: Oriole Aquatic Center MIN/MAX: 1/10 *No Class 07/04 CODE DAY DATE TIME FEE 320712-01 M-Su 6/12-8/5* 8:00 am-7:00 pm R $115/NR $144

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