Machinery Lubrication

Machinery Lubrication - Reliable Plant - Anniversary Edition

Machinery Lubrication magazine published by Noria Corporation

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Reliable Plant Anniversary Edition | www . 19 ment System (LMS) to schedule and document training events. Typical elements present within an LMS include: • Technical training courses. • A dashboard showing where the students are with their assignments. • Practice and actual course exams. • e ability to customize courses for your team members. 6. On-Site Training Area Having a dedicated learning lab empha- sizes the importance of training, provides a quiet place to focus, and provides an optimal place to perform training events. 7. Training Vendor Qualification Locate qualified training organizations that leverage the best of the best in each required training area. W hen eva luating training vendors, consider aspects such as: • eir reputation and client references. • eir experience in your specific industry. • e total cost and what is included with your purchase. 8. Training Coordination and Facilitation Assign training coordination to team members with the bandwidth to oversee the numerous training activities. Anything short of this translates to the organization not receiving the right training. 9. Training Metrics In terms of adopting training metrics, consider the following: • Agree on a handful of training-related metrics to start tracking. • Identify an owner to measure and report performance on a regular basis. • Locate the optimal places to post the tracked performance measurements. • Communicate the impact the training initiative is having on your operation. 10. Reassessment and Training Value Identification Conducting another employee skills assessment 18-24 months after the first one is advisable. is will allow you to refocus on areas that still need attention and to celebrate achievements accomplished in the other areas. It is not realistic to assume that one pass at providing training will get the job done. CONCLUSION Like most effective and sustainable initia- tives, they do not happen quickly. Be patient, be consistent, and realize that developing life- long skills in your team members is one of the most respected and valuable achievements you can undertake.

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