Machinery Lubrication magazine published by Noria Corporation
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20 Reliable Plant Anniversary Edition | www . BASICS First Seen in Reliable Plant Digital Magazine, December 2022 Bill Barto | Holcim Building Envelope In 1951, the United States Army began publishing PS Magazine. e idea was to create a magazine about preventive maintenance that soldiers would want to read. ey decided the best way to accomplish this was through eye-catching illustrations. ey found an artist named Will Eisner, who believed comics could be used as a learning device. With this dedication and a group of talented artists by his side, Eisner's company began hand- drawing the artwork for the magazine. Each month contained a single-frame comic called "Joe's Dope Sheet" and an accompanying limerick. Every issue follows the story of Joe, an Army soldier who ignored preventative maintenance practices, only to learn of its importance in the end. One perfect example of this, shown above, comes from the August issue of 1957. e depiction affirms that checklists don't have to be complicated or detailed to be extremely effective. Instead, they should be used as a reminder, or "brain-tickler," to help mainte- nance professionals remember to verify that equipment is being well-maintained and kept in good working condition. I've been reading a great deal of infor- mation about Industry 4.0, IIoT, Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning, Digital Twins and other smart technologies. While I do think there are applications where this high level of analytical rigor is appropriate, I believe there's still plenty of room for the basic tools. One of those fundamental tools is the preventive ma intena nce (PM) checklist. Check lists have been used in a wide variety of industries (such as surgery and air travel) and in appli- cations with different criticality levels. ey seem to be everywhere you look, and while they may be intuitive and something you feel very familiar with, through experience and research, I've learned there are many ways to perform them incor- rectly or apply them in an inappropriate situation. PM checklists can be a valuable tool in your reliability and maintenance arsenal, and although there are multiple ways to carry out a checklist (we'll cover this later), there are a few base ways they can be applied to your working environment: • ey can be added to your computerized ma intena nce ma nagement system (CMMS) as a list of tasks in a PM or procedure. • ey can be printed, laminated and attached to a clipboard. • ey can be attached directly to the equipment on a dry-erase board. CHECKLIST TYPES ere are two basic kinds of checklists to consider — the DO-CONFIRM and the READ-DO. e position of the "DO" in both of these is what fundamentally makes them different. DO-CONFIR M: This is a checklist where the steps are not necessarily compli- cated and are mostly done from experience or memory. e list serves as an important review checkpoint to ensure nothing was missed or skipped. R E A D-DO: This is a checklist that includes detailed steps necessary to complete the work. e list acts as a set of instruc- CHECKLISTS: BACK TO BASICS A N N I V E R S A R Y E D I T I O N