or sediment indicate potential problems. Tools such as level
gauges, sight glasses, dipsticks, and BS&W bowls can help in the
detection process.
Changes in oil levels can have multiple causes. High oil levels
can be due to the addition of too much fluid, internal leakage
from other fluids, or mechanical factors like aeration and foam.
Low oil levels can be caused by external or internal leakage, gear
climbing, oil pump out, and excessive misting and volatilization.
Data documentation plays a crucial role in this process. e
lubrication operator should document the oil condition, system
condition, mechanical condition of the machine, and any addi
tional relevant information. is data should be added promptly
to the system database for faster problem resolution.
A lubrication program management platform is essential for
recording and analyzing data effectively. is platform helps
document detailed inspection data, view machine health trends,
and plan lubrication routes based on asset conditions.
Strategies can be developed to optimize the lubrication
schedule based on the machine condition and anomaly detection
frequency. e software can also implement an alarm system
based on lubrication route data.
Additional improvements can be tailored to the lubrica
tion routes based on field personnel feedback. Including status
updates, pending work orders, alarms, or advice in the guideline
table enhances system performance.
Put plainly, machine inspections are integral to a solid
maintenance program. ey yield the best results when data is
recorded and analyzed correctly. Software with routing capa
bilities simplifies data input and analysis, enhancing machine
servicing efficiency.