Sport Rocketry

Sport Rocketry 5.2023

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16 SEPTEMBER/OCTOBER 2023 SPORT ROCKETRY his mega-motor trailer. Model Rocket Guy Jesse had a selection of rockets near HobbyTown Alamosa, who teamed up with LOC Precision for the weekend. ere were many other smaller vendors as well, Steve Reigel puts his Madcow Super DX3 on the launch rail. Matthew Slater waits in line. He is holding his Viper. e Viper flew to an altitude of 23,000 feet on a Loki M3464. Registerd NSL Vendors Special thanks to all of the NSL vendors: Chris' Rocket Supplies AeroTech/Quest HobbyTown Mile High Rocketry Mad Cow Rocketry Model Rocket Guy Moto-Joe Rocketry Estes Rockets LOC Precision/Public Missiles Ltd. IMPLS Launch Systems LLC Front Range Rocket Recovery Blanca Shirt Company Nova Rocketry

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