SIGMT Fall 2023 Fall Issue 3

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SIGNATURE MONTANA | 49 When competing, vaulters have a compulsory part where vaulters of a similar age and ability perform the same moves, along with a freestyle portion, where they can perform moves that highlight their own talents, such as shoulder stands for single vaulters and the fairy flyer for duos. e goal of vaulting is to move in harmony with the horse, demonstrating grace and fluidity in each movement. Being the only vaulting team in Montana, travel is necessary to compete. To help support travel, fundraisers like spaghei feeds and silent auctions are held. e team will travel to Washington and Oregon for competitions, and six vaulters are vying to qualify for the American Vaulting Association Nationals in California. No need to travel long distances to get in on the action. e club will host its own event this autumn called e Greatest Showman, where members will demonstrate the grace and fun of vaulting. For event details or if you are interested in giving vaulting a try, visit Hope Falls Vaulting at, or call 406-750-5647 S MT SUPPORTING YOU & YOUR CHILD CARE BUSINESS INTERACTIVE WORKSHOPS PEER BUSINESS MENTORING FREE ONLINE RESOURCE HUB INDIVIDUAL BUSINESS CONSULTATION COMMUNITY-LED CAPACITY BUILDING As Montana's FREE statewide hub for child care business development and innovation, we aspire to make lasting change in our state by supporting the success of child care providers and inspiring others to invest in and support child care systems. This project is funded in whole or in part under a contract with the Montana Department of Public Health and Human Services. The statements herein do not necessarily refl ect the opinion of the Department. Hope Falls Vaulting Club introduces young people to the world of horses, teaching them fundamental horse skills and horse awareness within a safe and fun setting while also focusing on instilling core values such as responsibility, communication, respect, empathy, and teamwork. Some kids play soccer, others play chess, and some stand on the backs of cantering horses. Equestrian vaulting is finding a foothold with children in Montana, and parents like how it teaches concentration and gives kids a boost of confidence.

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