SIGMT Fall 2023 Fall Issue 3

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70 | SIGNATURE MONTANA Remember when preparing a meal was as much a part of life as eating it? The two used to be synonymous and delivered a source of comfort, pride, health, well-being, relaxation, and sociability. It seems we've given up on the best excuse to get together and spend quality time with the people we love –mealtime. Eric and Renee Vincent refuse to give in to this dismal status quo. These busy professionals not only love to entertain friends and family, but they find an innate joy in experimenting with ingredients and tweaking recipes they've discovered locally and while traveling and living abroad. Invite some friends and family to your table and try out some of the Vincent's favorites. Bon Appetit! FOOD FEEDS THE KITCHEN FROMTHE Recipes by Eric and Renee Vincent | Photography byEric Visocan Soul

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