Covetrus Brand

Covetrus Brand Catalog - 3rd Edition

Covetrus Branded Products portfolio offers hundreds of low-cost, high-quality products help you maintain fee schedules and increase business profitability.

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4 Covetrus | ph: 855.724.3461 | fx: 888.329.3861 | TA B L E O F CO N T E N TS VIEW ONLINE AT The information contained in this publication is presented solely for informational purposes, does not constitute veterinary or legal advice, and is not guaranteed to be correct, complete, comprehensive, or current. Please consult your legal counsel regarding your individual circumstances. The contents of this publication are provided "as is" and without warranties of any kind, express or implied. Covetrus is not responsible for manufacturers' product claims, promotion terms and conditions, or advertisements as printed in this publication or otherwise. Please contact your Covetrus representative for full terms and conditions. Views expressed by contributing authors are entirely their own and do not necessarily reflect the views of the publisher. Mention of a company or product in this publication does not imply any affiliation with or endorsement by Covetrus. The publisher cannot accept responsibility for the return of unsolicited manuscripts or photos. Copyright © September 2023 by Covetrus. All rights reserved. Printed in the United States of America. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form by means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, or recording for the purpose of resale or mass reproduction without prior written permission. Lit. No. 22CVB1-090623 Customer service and  product information: Toll-free: 855.724.3461 Institutions and military: 800.552.8387 Fax: 888.329.3861 PUBLISHER: Covetrus North America 400 Metro Place North, Dublin, OH 43017 Covetrus ® is a global animal health company dedicated to empowering veterinary practices. We combine products, services, and technology into a single platform that connects our customers to the solutions and insights they need to grow.

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