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This section is presented as a service to Inhalation’s readers. Content is provided by the companies listed. No product endorsement or preference is intended. 38 OctOber 2023 Inhalation WHITE PAPERS AND WEBINARS These technical articles and webinars are presented as a service to the readers of Inhalation. Click on the link for access. Content is provided by the companies listed. No product endorsement or preference is intended. Broughton In this white paper, Broughton sci- entist Andrew Lee discusses how formulation changes may be the answer to pMDI-related sustainability problems. Intertek In this Intertek whitepaper "Con- siderations when Switching from Current pMDI Propellants to New Lower-GWP Propellants," we discuss considerations for drug development including formulation, regulatory and analytical standpoints. Qualicaps The nature of the capsule-puncturing event and its relationship to powder emptying has been well characterized. Recent advances in imaging technol- ogy provide further insight into those properties that influence capsule puncturing. Copley Scientific In this article, we review in vitro meth- ods used to assess nasal drug product performance and the evolving testing landscape. Designed to provide educational content, the Inhalation 1-2-3 e-newsletter provides a supplier's perspective on industry issues, highlights technical articles from the magazine and previews industry conferences. Please watch for it in your inbox every other month. Sign up now by emailing your name, company name and email address to subscriptions

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