Equine & Livestock Product & Promotions Guide

December 2023

Animal Health Solution - a Henry Schein Animal Health magazine for veterinary professionals

Issue link: https://www.e-digitaleditions.com/i/1512564

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© 2023 Covetrus, Inc. All rights reserved. No copying without consent. LIT NUMBER 23EQS218-092123 northamerica.covetrus.com | 855-724-3461 1. $3,000 minimum equipment purchase required. 2. Based on equipment purchases by month from September 1 to December 14, 2023. Excludes products from Epica, Zoetis and Olympic Vet. Other program and finance promotion exclusions apply. 3. Account credits are earned on equipment. Training, installation, and shipping are excluded from both the cumulative purchase total and credit calculations. Credits are applied after all equipment orders from September 1 to December 14, 2023 are invoiced. To qualify, all orders must be placed during the promotional dates of September 1 to December 14, 2023. Account credits will be applied after orders have been invoiced. Credits cannot be exchanged or redeemed for cash back. Covetrus reserves the right to discontinue this promotional program at any time. All applicable federal, state, and local taxes are the sole responsibility of the practice. Other terms and conditions may apply. Participating in a promotional program (e.g., points, discount redemptions or other special awards) is only permissible in accordance with promotional program rules. By participating in such promotional program, you agree that, to your knowledge, your veterinary practice complies with all program requirements. Veterinary practices are not eligible to participate in this promotional program if they are affiliated with or a part of a municipal, state, or federal government agency or corporate group, or located outside of the United States. E X A M PL E O F M A X I M I Z I N G YO U R S AV I N G S Order Date Equipment/Product Purchase Cost Total Costs Credit Earned Total Credit October 1 Endoscope $18,000 $48,000 $48,000 x 5%= $2,400 $2,652 Ultrasound $30,000 November 5 Centrifuge $2,300 $6,300 $6,300 x 4% = $252 Multiparameter Monitor $4,000 Have you spoken to your accountant on Section 179? E A R N U P TO 5 % C R E D I T ! 1 To be eligible, you must register online at cvet.co/unfurgettable. Independent veterinary practices and PSIvet members are eligible. All other corporate and affiliated practices are not eligible. Contact your Covetrus representative for special financing programs. U N F U RG E T TA B L E S AV I N G S Order Date Range 1 Account Credit 2 September 1 - October 14 5% October 15 - November 14 4% November 15 - December 14 3% Order early to maximize your credit! Purchase equipment from September 1 to December 14 to earn account credits

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