Equine & Livestock Product & Promotions Guide

December 2023

Animal Health Solution - a Henry Schein Animal Health magazine for veterinary professionals

Issue link: https://www.e-digitaleditions.com/i/1512564

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will keep their horse for life—a life that may last at least 25 years. 90% of horse owners A strong bond with high stress * depending on the horse's role. Lifetime cost of horse ownership: $300K to over $924K $ *CareCredit Equine Lifetime of Care Study, 2023. ** This functionality is not available for providers in California who are prohibited under state law from submitting applications on behalf of patients for certain healthcare loans or lines of credit, including the CareCredit credit card. 53% of horse owners say they're stressed by an expense that's less than $1,500. 52% of horse owners have had an unexpected expense they worried about paying. Horse owners dedicate themselves fully but can also pay dearly. When asked to estimate their yearly expenses, the total predicted was just a fraction of what they actually spent: * Competitive $36,851 (363% higher than estimated) Recreational $16,460 (281% higher than estimated) Backyard $11,538 (249% higher than estimated) The bond between a horse and their owner is rooted in mutual trust and understanding. It's part of why individuals consider them to be a part of their family* and will commit themselves to providing them with the best care and support possible. However, throughout a horse's entire lifetime, these care costs can add up and cause owners stress about paying for their animal's essential needs. If veterinary bills are significant enough and clients can't pay the total cost upfront or accept the recommended care and treatment, this financial pressure can then fall on equine providers as well. Because while your first priority is to focus on taking care of the horse, supporting your practice is also important. The power of being prepared Fortunately, there is an opportunity to help horse owners be prepared from the start by offering a simple payment solution like the CareCredit credit card. This veterinary and healthcare credit card gives individuals a dedicated way to pay over time for their horse's care—from routine wellness to unexpected illness or injury—and allows providers to get paid in just two business days. Plus, it offers more reliability as cardholders can use the card again and again. When clients are given the option to choose with flexible payments, it can also help lower stress and make care decisions easier. Financial readiness gives individuals more confidence so they can spend less time worrying about costs and more time focusing on the animals they're devoted to throughout their life together—a life that may last at least 25 years.* At the same time, keeping horse owners well-informed can also help strengthen the provider-client relationship. Often considered as a partner in their horse care journey, you can help reassure clients that they have the necessary tools to provide a lifetime of quality care for their beloved animal. When they know you're there to support their needs and help make more care possible, it helps build trust and loyalty. To keep this relationship strong, it's also important to provide clear and open communication. That starts by having important client information upfront. With CareCredit's integration in Covetrus Pulse software, you can quickly look up client accounts, see if they prequalify ** or already have the CareCredit credit card, and process transactions—all from one screen. It brings together the core tools you need to complete daily tasks alongside the convenient payment options that help empower your clients. Plus, it's a great solution to help you lead supportive cost conversations. Remember to: • Start early in the relationship. • Communicate payment options before the visit and at check-in. • Provide choices to empower access to care. • Let them know flexible financing is available. • Answer questions about cost and payment. • Be open and transparent about costs to help build lasting provider-client relationships. 1 in 4 owners have a CareCredit credit card, which can help them be ready for unexpected (and expected) costs. Their actual expenses may be 3x or 4x higher than what they think they're spending. Horse owners underestimate the total cost of care. Help empower a Lifetime of Care. CareCredit provides the flexible financing options clients need to be prepared and proactive with their horse's care.

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