Retail Observer

February 2024

The Retail Observer is an industry leading magazine for INDEPENDENT RETAILERS in Major Appliances, Consumer Electronics and Home Furnishings

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RETAILOBSERVER.COM FEBRUARY 2024 14 GE APPLIANCES REINVENTS THE WAY CONSUMERS DISCOVER RECIPES, SHOP, AND COOK, WITH NEW INTEGRATION FOR SMART RANGES AND WALL OVENS IN COLLABORATION WITH KROGER Consumers can select recipes from the oven touchscreen and add ingredients to their Kroger cart with one click GE Appliances, a Haier company, is proud to announce its latest feature for select WiFi-connected wall ovens and ranges in collaboration with Kroger, a leading U.S. retailer. The update brings culinary creativity and convenience to the kitchen, while offering a new way to discover recipes, shop for ingredients, and cook. "Kroger's technology-driven approach to creating convenient and seamless shopping experiences for its customers aligns with our vision to support our consumers throughout the meal preparation process," said Viren Shah, chief digital officer at GE Appliances. "We are thrilled to collaborate with Kroger and use our combined expertise in the food ecosystem to deliver experiences and features that truly resonate with consumers." With this over-the-air update, more than 150,000 consumers with select GE Profile™, CAFÉ™, and Monogram™ wall ovens and slide-in ranges can now enjoy seasonal culinary inspiration directly from their appliance's LCD screen. The touchscreen on FEBRUARY INDUSTRY [ N E W S ]

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