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Inhalation June 2024 23 Formulation, device and development services Vectura has 25 years of experience in helping cus- tomers to integrate formulation, device and develop- ment services to accelerate their inhalation products through the phases of drug development. With expertise in a range of technology platforms, includ- ing dry powder inhalers (DPIs), pressurized metered dose inhalers (pMDIs) and smart nebulizers, Vectura offers flexibility and a fully-integrated approach, from preclinical formulation optimization and device selection, through scale-up, and GMP product and device manufacturing. Vectura UK: +44 1249 667700 Expert understanding of inhaled systems and device compatibility Developing and commercializing new inhaled drug products requires deep scientific understanding through a continuous focus on testing, data collec- tion and expert analysis. Broughton can help through "hands-on" testing support integrated with consul- tancy on inhaled product development through all pre-clinical and clinical development stages. Our end-to-end service spans early-stage product charac- terization and analysis, device selection and testing, and extends to manufacturing validation, cleaning instructions and small-scale manufacturing. Brough- ton's inhalation testing service covers dry powder inhalers (DPIs), pressurized metered dose inhalers (pMDIs), soft mist inhalers (SMIs), nasal sprays, breath-actuated devices and novel inhaled devices. Broughton UK: +44 1756 700255 2024 ONLINE REFERENCE & BUYER'S RESOURCE This valuable resource from Inhalation provides a compilation of organizations, suppliers, products and services that support the research, development and manufacturing of inhaled pharmaceuticals. DOWNLOAD IT NOW INHALATIONMAG.COM

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