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40 June 2024 Inhalation of 200 hours, working with the FARE Clinical Network (FCN), or other medical and academic institutions, on substantive research/data analysis projects related to food allergy prevention, management or understanding barriers to accessing food allergy care and safe foods. References Content for this article was based on, excerpted and quoted from: • Roach A, Abbasi A, Daniel A, Barton N, Hooker Q, Curry K, Malloy M, Herbert L. Address- ing the research participation gap in food allergy. Poster 193. 2023 American College of Allergy, Asthma & Immunol- ogy (ACAAI) Annual Scientific Meeting, Anaheim, CA, US. acaai2023/poster/p193. • Roach, A. Food allergy high- lights opportunities for inclu- sive, representative research studies. PhRMA Blog. March 22, 2023. e n / B l o g / F o o d - A l l e r g y - Hig h l ig ht s- Oppor t u n it ie s- for-Inclusive-Representative- Research-Studies. • Barriers prevent Black patients with food allergy from par- ticipating in clinical research. Healio. December 14, 2023. a l l e r g y - a s t h m a / 2 0 2 3 1 2 1 4 / b a r r i e r s - p r e v e n t - b l a c k - patients- with-food-allergy- from-participating-in-clinical- research. • End Allergies Together. https:// • FARE announces $3 million research competition and pas- sage of FASTER Act. Inha- lation. 15(3) 30-32. (2021). https://www.inhalationmag. com/article/back-page-fare- announces-3-million-global- research - com p etition -an d - passage-of-faster-act-in-us. e FARE Neighborhoods Initiative™ e delivery of health education resources and interventions in the community setting is a promis- ing strategy for managing food allergies in underserved popula- tions. e FARE Neighborhoods Initiative™ (FNI) supports those facing food allergies in historically marginalized communities, where access to medication, allergists and safe food can be difficult due to cost and availability. To date, there are FARE Neighborhoods in Atlanta, GA; Central Arkansas, Chicago, IL; Hampton Roads, VA; Newark, NJ and Washing- ton, DC. In each Neighborhood, FARE collaborates with schools, community organizations, health- care providers and places of wor- ship. e work is guided by volunteer advisory councils of local parents, patients, health pro- fessionals and community stake- holders. In addition, community health workers are in place in all FARE Neighborhoods. e FARE Diversity Scholars Program As part of its Health Equity Ini- tiative, FARE has partnered with National Medical Fellowships (NMF) to offer the FARE Diver- sity Scholars Program. e pro- gram provides mentorship and financial support to graduate-level students of color interested in food allergy research and commu- nity engagement. e program supports FARE's commitment to help build a pipeline of racially and culturally diverse physi- cians and researchers interested in investigating, evaluating and addressing the socioeconomic fac- tors that impact healthcare access for under-resourced patients with food allergies. e Diversity Scholars Program offers a $10,000 annual stipend to rising second, third and fourth- year graduate students working toward an MD, PhD, or MPH, with an option to renew for one year. Over 10 months, the schol- ars will commit to a minimum During trial recruitment • Using culturally appropriate messaging to elevate the trial's visibility through social media, community websites, radio, TV, recreational centers and transportation hubs • Inviting community leaders to take part in free, multilingual informational sessions with dedicated Q&A periods After a trial • As appropriate, making the study results available and actionable to patients as soon as possible in clear and simple language through various acti- vations, such as engagement events Benefits of diversity in clinical trials "Clinical trials are foundational to the development of novel ther- apies and interventions. us, inclusive research is not just 'nice to have.' Diverse clinical trial populations can better reflect the broad patient population that will use new medicines once they are approved, improving health outcomes," Roach wrote. "Diversity in clinical trials can provide science-based insights into the variable safety and effi- cacy responses people can have to therapeutic interventions." Additional FARE initiatives FARE provides multiple initiatives designed to encourage diversity and opportunities. ree of these programs are: e FARE Patient Registry Doctors and other medical profes- sionals who would like to connect their communities with research or research opportunities such as clinical trials can encourage patients to join e FARE Patient Registry," explained Abassi. e private and secure database is designed to allow people with food allergies help advance research by sharing their experiences.