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The 34th Drug Delivery to the Lungs Conference (DDL) welcomed more than 900 delegates in person at the Edinburgh International Conference Centre (EICC) in Edinburgh, UK plus 120 virtual attendees. Before the conference, the Association of Inhalation Toxicologists (AIT) held the workshop “Pre-clinical development—Back to Basics,” attracting more than 150 delegates. 6 June 2024 Inhalation CROSS-INDUSTRY Organizations administered by other routes of delivery for action in the lungs. Inhalation across the ages and patient-centered care. Design considerations for aerosol medi- cines used in different age groups, e.g., neonates and older adults. Promotion of health equity in access to inhaled medicines for special patient populations, e.g., pregnancy, frailty, cognitive or physical impairments, and people with language or cultural barriers. Nasal drug delivery. Local, sys- temic and nose-to-brain delivery. e latest therapeutic approaches, advances in powder and liquid for- mulations and device technology, and innovative new methods for nasal product performance testing. Workshop: Transition to new propellants—Current solution and future challenges. is work- shop will focus on new low global warming potential (LGWP) pro- pellants to replace existing pro- pellants in metered dose inhalers (MDIs). Additional topics will be implications of F-gases and new per- and polyfluoroalkyl sub- stances (PFAS) regulations and the response of the aerosol com- munity to these challenges. The New Researcher Network (NRN) A subgroup of DDL, the New Resea rcher Net work (NR N) engages a nd supports young researchers. In September, the NRN will enable 25 candidates (selected from among 50 applicants across the world) to participate in a free, three-day event including expert talks, an exhibition and posters, there will be the renowned con- vivial hospitality and networking, with a complimentary gala dinner for all delegates in the spectacular National Museum of Scotland. Sponsorship opportunities are available for this unique event. e conference will provide a bal- ance of coverage across key areas of aerosol science and the develop- ment of inhaled medicines, with a single conference stream eliminat- ing decisions as to which presen- tation to attend. e prestigious DDL Annual Lecture will be pre- sented by Mike Hindle of Virginia Commonwealth University, who will deliver a talk on "Delivering aerosols to premature infants, a most challenging and precious patient: Accelerating development using realistic airway models." Conference themes e DDL2024 session themes will be: Advances in inhalation technol- ogy. Innovation and opportunities in inhalation technology, includ- ing computational modeling, bio- pharmaceutics, formulation and manufacture, regulatory science, delivery systems and analytics to address current unmet needs or anticipate the evolving landscape of inhaled delivery. Biologics for the lungs. New biological therapeutics for the treatment of respiratory disease, including antibody and gene therapies targeted to the lungs by inhalation, as well as those Notable achievements of DDL2023 e 34th Drug Delivery to the Lungs Conference (DDL) wel- comed more than 900 delegates in person at the Edinburgh Interna- tional Conference Centre (EICC) in Edinburgh, UK plus 120 vir- tual attendees. Before the confer- ence, the Association of Inhalation Toxicologists (AIT) held the work- shop "Pre-clinical development— Back to Basics," attracting more than 150 delegates. Congratulations were extended to Olivia Merkel, Ludwig Max- imilian University of Munich, who was awarded the DDL2023 Emerging Scientist title. Olivia opened the conference with her talk, "What's in the future of inhaled RNA?" She was presented with a check for £1,000 and a com- memorative award. e winner of the DDL2023 Pat Burnell New Investigator Award was Brunella Grassiri, University of Pisa. Her presentation on "Development of pulmonary formulations with gal- lium siderophores against Aspergil- lus fumigatus lung infections" won her the acclaimed prize. DDL2023 abstracts and pre- sentations can be found on the DDL website. Anticipating DDL2024 DDL2024 will be presented live at the EICC and virtually on Wednesday through Friday, December 11-13, 2024. Celebrat- ing its 35th year, DDL will again showcase the latest research in inhaled drug delivery. Alongside Drug Delivery to the Lungs: Highlights of DDL2023 and a preview of DDL2024

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