
2024 Morton Grove Park District Fall Activity Guide

Morton Grove Park District Activity Guide

Issue link: https://www.e-digitaleditions.com/i/1523525

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ADULT BEGINNER PICKLEBALL (PLAYER LEVEL 1.0 - 2.0) AGES 18 AND UP This class is for those who have never played pickleball before or who have very limited experience with the sport. It will focus on pickleball basics such as forehand and backhand shots, serving, and court positioning. Players will also learn scoring and the rules of the game through drills and playing time. The slower pace of this class will give players the opportunity to develop the skills needed to play this fun and energetic game. All equipment will be provided. Participants are also welcome to bring their own equipment. LOC: Harrer Park Pickleball Courts CODE DAY DATE TIME R/NR 441700-01 W 9/4-10/23 5:30-6:30 pm $160/$200 441700-02 W 9/4-10/23 4:30-5:30 pm $160/$200 441700-03 Th 9/5-10/24 5:30-6:30 pm $160/$200 ADULT INTERMEDIATE PICKLEBALL (PLAYER LEVEL 3.0 - 3.5) AGES 18 AND UP This class is for players with a playing level between 3.0 - 3.5. Players will learn more advanced skills and work on mastering their pickleball play to help take your game to the next level! LOC: Harrer Park Pickleball Courts CODE DAY DATE TIME R/NR 441701-01 Th 9/5-10/24 6:30-7:30 pm $160/$200 ADULT ADVANCED BEGINNER PICKLEBALL AGES 18 AND UP This class is for advancing beginners who have some experience and want to move at a faster pace to improve their basic shots and strategy. Players will participate in challenging drills to work on consistency in forehand and backhand shots, serving, volleying, dinks, and lobs. Through matches played each week, players will get the chance to take their game to the next level by learning to play smarter, not harder. All equipment will be provided. Participants are welcome to bring their own equipment. LOC: Harrer Park Pickleball Courts CODE DAY DATE TIME R/NR 441703-01 W 9/4-10/23 6:30-7:30 pm $160/$200 ADULT SPORTS Morton Grove Park District | 6834 Dempster Street | (847) 965-1200 | mortongroveparks.com 36

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