Pharmaceutical Technology - September 2024

Pharmaceutical Technology - September 2024

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30 Pharmaceutical Technology ® Trends in Formulation eBook September 2024 PELLETIZATION Quality attributes of core particle or base pellet The quality attributes of the core material or base pellets are considered, especially in coating by layer- ing, designed for high-potency and modified-release pellets. Critical properties to consider when selecting base pellets include shape (sphericity), size, and den- sity. The shape of base pellets inf luences how they at- tach to the coating material, affecting the efficiency of coating and the final product's physical properties. Spherical particles tend to pack more efficiently, re- sulting in better f low properties and uniform film distribution. However, irregularly shaped particles may lead to uneven coating due to their poor f low characteristics, which will have an impact on the overall quality. Variations in particle size can lead to differences in the surface area available for coating and may affect the quantity of coating material applied. The surface area of core particles inf luences the rate of coating adhesion and the dissolution characteristics of the final product. A higher surface area enables greater coating adhesion, leading to better coating unifor- mity and release. Therefore, meticulous attention to these attributes is critical to ensure the quality and efficacy of the delivery system. Conclusion Overa l l, pel letization represents a revolutionar y technique, offering a multitude of advantages in for- mulation with unmatched f lexibility and adaptabil- ity. This technique facilitates the pellets formation, each filled with a tailored combination of active in- gredients, excipients, and coatings, thereby allowing for customizable dosages and release profiles with improved efficacy and stability. Such f lexibility not only caters to diverse patient needs but also enables the development of complex drug formulations that were previously unattainable. However, the seam- less integration of this technique into practice relies heavily on a comprehensive knowledge of material properties, adapted technology, and process param- eters. These factors are paramount in guaranteeing the efficacy of final products and maintaining ad- herence to stringent quality standards. By prioritiz- ing these critical considerations during formulation, one can formulate superior quality pellets, which en- hance the therapeutic impact and reliability of the end product. ■ Surya Singh, PhD, is senior manager of product development at Vantage Nutrition LLP (India). Jnanadeva Bhat, PhD, is head of formulation R&D, pharma and nutra, at Vantage Nutrition LLP and ACG Capsules (India). Manali Dalvi, M Pharm, is the lead whitepaper and publications, pharma and nutra, at Vantage Nutrition LLP and ACG Capsules. Priscilla Zawislak, Kathy Ulman, David Schoneker, Nigel Langley, and Joseph Zeleznik IPEC-Americas Making the Grade: The Importanceof Using the Correct Excipient Grade in Drug Products In this exclusive Drug Digest video interview, Felicity Thomas, associate editorial director, Pharmaceutical Technology ® Group, interviews a panel of experts from IPEC-Americas about excipient grades. During the panel session, Nigel Langley, David Schoneker, Kathy Ulman, Priscilla Zawislak, and Joseph Zeleznik go into detail about the various excipient grades and why the use of the correct grade in pharmaceutical products is important.

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