
2024-25 Winter Spring Activity Guide

2017/2018 Morton Grove Park District Winter Spring Activity Guide

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YOUTH SPORTS ATHLETICS DROP IN WINTER $8 WALK IN FEE Free to members of Club Fitness Stop by Prairie View Community Center this fall for drop-in badminton, pickleball, volleyball or basketball! Gymnasium usage is first come, first served with players rotating in and out to ensure fair and equitable play amongst all participants. PICKLEBALL Two Pickleball nets will be available on the following days and times. M: 9:15 am-4:15 pm Tu: 9:00 am-12:00 pm (11/28/24-1/7/25) Su: 12:00-2:30 pm Starting January 14 - New Tuesday mornings, Recreation and Competitive PICKLEBALL LEAGUES Turn to page 31 for more details on how to register. BASKETBALL Courts are open at various times and days of the week. Adult Only - 18 and older W, F: 11:30 am-2:00 pm SAVE TIME AND MONEY BUY AN OPEN GYM PASS 10 visits $60.00 20 visits $110.00 30 visits $ 150.00 Check the online schedule at mor- for full drop-in days and times. Schedule subject to change any time. Morton Grove Park District | 6834 Dempster Street | (847) 965-1200 | 30 SCAN THE QR CODE FOR THE CURRENT OPEN GYM CALENDAR

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