Retail Observer

December 2024

The Retail Observer is an industry leading magazine for INDEPENDENT RETAILERS in Major Appliances, Consumer Electronics and Home Furnishings

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RETAILOBSERVER.COM DECEMBER 2024 12 ELMIRA STOVE WORKS RELEASES THEIR NEW CURATED COLOR COLLECTION – AURORA BOREALIS Elmira Stove Works, a leading manufacturer of premium vintage-inspired appliances and woodburning cookstoves, announces its newest curated color collection: Aurora Borealis. This contemporary series of shades is available as custom color options in Elmira's Northstar and Heritage product lineups. The collection is inspired by the beautiful display of colors seen in the night sky when solar flares meet strong magnetic fields in Earth's atmosphere. Aurora Borealis, known as the Northern Lights, will show off its peak phase between November 2024 and March 2026. During this period the northern lights will be visible in many more locations across North America, including places that typically aren't within its visual range. Elmira has released the Aurora Borealis Collection to celebrate the occasion. The Collection features four eye- catching shades that bring the majestic northern lights into the home. Helium Halo is a deep purple shade that takes its name from the helium molecules that help produce its color. Charged Atmosphere is a bright, lively green, named after the phenomenon where charged particles collide with oxygen molecules, resulting in a green aurora. The icy blue Hydrogen Horizon color gets its name from hydrogen molecules that help create blue auroras that beautifully contrast with the night sky. Night Watch is a rich black-blue hue that reminds us of the dark sky conditions when the northern lights are visible in their most glorious splendor. Tony Dowling, vice president of sales and marketing at Elmira, said, "In Canada, we are privileged to have regular sightings of the northern lights. However, this period of heightened activity will allow greater numbers to admire the phenomenon. Elmira's Aurora Borealis Collection is our way of recognizing this event while championing the use of color in kitchen design." In addition to the Aurora Borealis Collection, Elmira's Northstar and Heritage product lines feature a range of standard colors with more than 1,200 customizable options in RAL and Axalta SpectraMaster Solid Colors. DECEMBER INDUSTRY [ N E W S ]

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