Retail Observer

Febuary 2025

The Retail Observer is an industry leading magazine for INDEPENDENT RETAILERS in Major Appliances, Consumer Electronics and Home Furnishings

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RETAILOBSERVER.COM FEBRUARY 2025 12 EXQUISITELY SIMPLISTIC The Addison freestanding tub creates a luxury bathing experience As part of the newly launched MTI Collection, the Addison bath creates a tranquil aesthetic that is elegant yet luxurious. Beautiful in form and function, with the smooth touch of molded stone, the Addison reflects the clean lines that have made the MTI Collection so popular. Addison is a work of art that will transform your bathroom into nothing less than extraordinary. The tub is available in two models, 66" x 35" and a smaller size 58" x 30", and comes as a soaker or air bath, in white or biscuit with a soft matte or hand-polished deep gloss finish. Each tub is individually manufactured and handcrafted in the USA using MTI's exclusive SculptureStone ® . Multiple quality control checks are employed, including individual water testing and component operation. SculptureStone ® is a proprietary material used exclusively to create the MTI Collection of tubs, sinks, and counter-sinks. The solid works of molded stone are smooth, 100% solid throughout, non-porous, stain-, mold -, and mildew-resistant, making cleaning and maintenance easy. The poured technology allows for innovative styles that have won more than 50 design awards. The MTI Collection allows you to choose from six exterior colors to accent or integrate with the bathroom decor available on many tubs in matte or gloss finish. Match with an Addison vessel or semi-recessed sink for a beautifully coordinated bath ensemble. Transform ordinary bathrooms into extraordinary spaces where wellness and relaxation reign, with the Addison from MTI Baths. Visit to explore the exceptional designs included in the MTI Collection. FEBRUARY INDUSTRY [ N E W S ]

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