Specialty Food Magazine

SEP 2013

Specialty Food Magazine is the leading publication for retailers, manufacturers and foodservice professionals in the specialty food trade. It provides news, trends and business-building insights that help readers keep their businesses competitive.

Issue link: https://www.e-digitaleditions.com/i/165618

Contents of this Issue


Page 28 of 115

3 EMOTIONAL TRIGGERS Every generation has one. Interactivity is the next wave. The most effective digital marketing initiatives may be those that incorporate various forms of interactive technology. Kleenex, for example, recently let consumers request a free tissue sample by "liking" the company's Facebook page. Games, especially, are poised to be the next big thing, says Buckingham, who points to Gumulon, an app Stride Gum recently created, in which players manipulate the game's characters by chewing; front-facing cameras of Apple iOS devices detect players' mouth movements. At Comic-Con International in San Diego in June, Fox Home Entertainment launched an Instagram scavenger hunt. Fox's Twitter account offered clues to locations and objects around the convention center with a connection to Fox shows; players snapped photos of themselves after solving each clue and shared Millennials: Collaboration, community, interaction "This group wants to build a relationship with your brand, offer feedback and feel that feedback is internalized and used to improve the product," says Andy McLaughlin, founder of PaperClip Communications. Generation X: Family, happiness, success Raised in an era of recession and climbing divorce rates, this generation rarely saw a clear model for having happiness and success. "They often turn to marketing to help define what those could look like," says Jane Buckingham, founder and president of consumer insights firm Trendera. Boomers: Family, vitality "This group wants to know they are still respected and powerful," says Buckingham. Silent Generation: Relevance "Seniors want to feel they are still a part of things, that they are included," Buckingham says. One caveat: Triggers often depend more on life stage than simply age, says June Jo Lee, vice president of strategic insights for the Hartman Group. "For example, empty nest boomers, Gen Xers who don't have kids and millennials all have a lot in common," she says. Let the Creativity Begin 800.525.7873 (PURE) www.NielsenMassey.com Like us on Facebook NielsenMasseyVanillas 26 ❘ SPECIALTY FOOD MAGAZINE @ NielsenMassey specialtyfood.com

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