Specialty Food Magazine

SEP 2013

Specialty Food Magazine is the leading publication for retailers, manufacturers and foodservice professionals in the specialty food trade. It provides news, trends and business-building insights that help readers keep their businesses competitive.

Issue link: https://www.e-digitaleditions.com/i/165618

Contents of this Issue


Page 68 of 115

CLASSIC ➊ ➋ ➌ CYPRESS GROVE CHEVRE, INC. Humboldt Fog IT'S BEEN 20 YEARS SINCE MARY KEEHN LAUNCHED HUMBOLDT FOG, the mild, creamy and visually striking cheese that introduced American consumers to artisanal goat cheese and propelled Cypress Grove Chevre to the top tier of California's sustainable food industry. For Keehn, the sofi recognition is exciting, because "Humboldt Fog is such a mainstay in what we do," she says. "That it is still relevant to people in their everyday cheese eating was so important." Humboldt Fog is more than just an iconic American food. It was identified by Metropolitan Home as one of the top 100 designs in the world, an honor that still thrills its creator ten years later. "They celebrated the cheese as a piece of design, and food as art," Keehn says. "You can eat anything but you might as well have something that is beautiful and tastes good." Keehn views her work, and the cheeses she creates on the recently expanded dairy and creamery she runs in Northern California's Humboldt County, as an art form. "You can be a bricklayer or you can be building a cathedral, so why not build the cathedral?" she says. "Your mindset affects how your work turns out." Suggested retail price: $25/pound. Contact: Janne Rasmussen, Cypress Grove Chevre, Inc.; 707.825.1100; janne@cypressgrovechevre. com; cypressgrovechevre.com.—C.C. ➊ BELLWETHER FARMS Crème Fraîche Contact: Diana Callahan 707.763.0993 bfcheese@pacbell.net bellwetherfarms.com ➋ BRASWELL FOOD COMPANY Braswell's Select All Natural Red Pepper Jelly Contact: Chris McMahon 912.764.6191; 912.212.2900 chris@braswells.com braswells.com S10 ❘ SPECIALTY FOOD MAGAZINE specialtyfood.com ➌ CACKALACKY, INC. Cackalacky Spice Sauce Contact: Page Skelton 919.967.4992; 919.923.3190 page@cackalacky.com cackalacky.com ➍ THE GREAT SAN SABA RIVER PECAN COMPANY Peach, Pecan & Amaretto Preserves Contact: Larry J. Newkirk 325.372.6078 larry@greatpecans.com; gssrpc@centex.net greatpecans.com ➍

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