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20 May 2014 Tablets & Capsules "smart" and interactive packaging, innovations in packaging design and materials, new injectable technolo- gies, regulatory issues (e.g., serializa- tion in accord with DQSA), and pack- aging concepts to improve patient compliance. (See page 8 of this issue.) Speakers include pharmaceutical packaging experts from Novartis, Pfizer, Sanofi-Aventis, GlaxoSmith - Kline, BD Medical, among others. Along with the six Pharmapack sem- inars, you may also attend any of the 11 additional seminars offered at the co-located shows. New this year is Center Stage, an educational hub offering tours, panel discussions, product teardowns, "geek speak" technical sessions, and technology briefs. Discussion topics include advances in robotics, the impact of the Affordable Care Act, 3D printing, and marketing strategies. Exposition At press time, more than 1,350 com panies were registered to exhibit a preview The third annual Pharmapack North America conference and exhi- bition is scheduled for June 10-12 at the Jacob Javits Convention Center in New York, NY. The event offers an opportunity to meet and network with industry suppliers and learn about innovations in packaging, de - sign, ma terials, and drug delivery technologies. Co-located shows Registration for Pharmapack grants you free admission to six other co- located events: EastPack, Medical De vice Design and Manu facturing East, ATX Automa tion Technology Expo East, Atlantic Design and Manu - facturing, HBA Global (health and beauty expo), and Plastec (plastics). Conference The conference adopts a new for- mat this year, allowing attendees to choose from six different 2-hour educational sessions covering topics such as leveraging brand identity, Pharmapack North America on the show floor. These include suppliers of automation and assem- bly systems, blister packaging, plas- tic containers, cartoning equipment, printing and labeling technologies, drug delivery components, and traceability and anti-counterfeit sys- tems. A dedicated mobile app lets you organize your itinerary as well as find and communicate with exhibitors by searching keywords, company name, or area of interest. T&C Exhibitors The following companies and orga- nizations are among those exhibiting at Pharmapack North America June 10-12 in New York, NY. For a com- plete, updated list, visit www.pharma Company Booth A Amcor Flexibles 1157 Ashland 885 Packaging expo delivers new educational format f-Pharmapack_20-21_Jasper Art5.0 #11 5/14/14 10:16 AM Page 20