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Tablets & Capsules May 2014 45 C Catalent 302/304 Colorcon 410 D Dissolution Technologies tba Distek 700 E EMD Millipore 211 Evonik Degussa 210 What? Annual Meeting and Exposition of the Controlled Release Society Who? Professionals dedicated to the delivery of actives, including delivery scientists, engineers, clinicians, and technical professionals Where? Hilton Chicago, Chicago, IL When? July 13-16 Conference: 8:00 am to 5:30 pm on July 13-15 8:00 am to 11:00 am on July 16 General Exhibition Grand Opening: 5:30 pm on July 13 9:30 am to 5:30 pm July 14 9:30 am to 4:00 pm July 15 Registration: Register online at For more information: Controlled Release Society Tel. 651 454 7250 Fax 651 454 0766 Accommodations: Reserve rooms online at: F Freund-Vector 512 G Gattefossé 906 H Hovione 212 K Korsch America 202 L Logan Instruments 111 Lubrizol 216 N Nisso America 904 P Patheon 403 S Sotax 510 T Texture Technologies 311 Palm Oil Based (GMO-FREE) Binders, Excipients, Lubricants & Surfactants Glycerine 99.7% USP Calcium Stearate Stearic Acid 50 NF Magnesium Stearate Triple Pressed Stearic Acid Sodium Stearate Fatty Acid Esters Zinc Stearate Medium Chained Triglyceride (MCT) Sodium Lauryl Sulfate We also have a full line of Natural Preservatives & Surfactants Your Partner in Global Sourcing of Green Renewable and Sustainable Products Acme-Hardesty Co. 450 Sentry Parkway East Blue Bell, PA 19422 866.226.3834 New on T&C's website: • Industry Update • Events • Tools & Resources • Online Buyer's Guide Follow us on Twitter @TabletsCapsules Can't find what you need? E-mail us at: W W W . T A B L E T S C A P S U L E S . C O M l-ContRel_44-45_Jasper Art5.0 #11 5/14/14 10:19 AM Page 45