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Tablets & Capsules May 2014 47 supplier news Colorcon expands India film-coating site HARLEYSVILLE, PA—Global excipient supplier Colorcon com- pleted a major expansion of capacity at its Goa, India, film-coating manu- facturing facility. The facility will supply larger, more cost-effective batches of excipients, primarily to generics manufacturers. Aesica implements serialization at Italian site PIANEZZA, Italy—Contract developer and manufacturer Aesica is providing serialization services on a commercial scale here for a multina- tional strategic partner introducing two anti-allergy product lines to the Chinese market. The serialization technology, which uses both e-codes and 2D bar codes, is among the first of its kind in Italy for pharmaceutical applications. Clondalkin first to receive PS9000:2011 certification in US GREENSBORO, NC— Clondal - kin Pharma and Healthcare is the first pharmaceutical packaging com- pany to achieve the PS9000:2011 quality standard certification in North America and throughout its global manufacturing sites. The standard spells out cGMP and safety require- ments involving contamination con- trol, facility design, cleaning, pest control, line clearance, segregation controls, waste materials, overruns, and security. Gattefossé offers sustained-release formulation guidelines PARAMUS, NJ—Gattefossé de - veloped a compendium on the use of its Compritol 888 ATO (glyceryl dibehenate EP) for sustained-release tablet formulation. The guidelines explain predicting API release via mathematical modeling, how to design a lipid matrix tablet, and other formu- lation techniques. The document is available at en/preformulation-guide. facturing. June 10-12 in Seattle, WA. Conducted by Scientific Update. Tel. +44 1435 873 062. Fax +44 1435 872 734. Website: www.scientificup Drug Information Association (DIA) Annual Meeting. June 15-19 in San Diego, CA. Tel. 215 442 6100. Fax 215 442 6199. Website: Drug Discovery and Therapy World Congress. June 16-19 in Bos - ton, MA. Tel. 857 239 8855. Fax 857 2398801. Website: www.ddtwc. com. Basics of Tablet Manufacturing and Troubleshooting. June 17-19 in St. Charles, MO. Conducted by Na - toli Engineering. Tel. 636 926 8900. Fax 636 926 8910. Website: Expo Pack México. June 17-20 in Mexico City, Mexico. Conducted by the Packaging Machinery Manu - facturers Institute. Tel. +52 55 5545 4254. Fax +52 55 5545 4302. Web - site: Tablet Making. June 17-18 in Cleveland, OH. Conducted by Tech - ceuticals. Tel. 216 658 8038. Website: CPhI China, P-MEC, BioPh, and ICSE. June 26-28 in Shanghai, China. Conducted by UBM Live. Tel. +31 204 099 542. Fax +31 203 099 544. Website: July Fluidized Bed Maintenance and Troubleshooting. July 1-3 in Binzen, Germany. Conducted by the Tech - no logy Training Center. Tel. +49 762 1664 308. Fax +49 762 1167 99 200. Website: INTERPHEX Japan and Pharma Japan. July 2-4 in Tokyo, Japan. Conducted by Reed Exhibitions Japan. Tel. +81 33 349 8509. Fax +81 33 349 4922. Website: DCAT's Sharp Sourcing. July 10 in New Brunswick, NJ. Conducted by the Drug, Chemical, & Associated Technologies Association. Tel. 609 448 1000. Fax 609 448 1944. Website: Tablet Coating. July 24-25 in Cleveland, OH. Conducted by Tech - ceuticals. Tel. 216 658 8038. Web - site: Soft Gel Technologies to produce Sytrinol LOS ANGELES, CA—Soft Gel Technologies signed an agreement with Next Pharmaceuticals to be the exclusive manufacturer of Sytrinol softgels. Sytrinol is a blend of poly- methoxylated flavones and toco - trienols that promotes cardiovascular health and supports healthy choles- terol levels. Camfil APC expands headquarters JONESBORO, AR— Camfil Air Pollution Control expanded its cor- porate headquarters here by adding a 13,600-square-foot office facility. It includes offices for 85 employees and a training center for customers and employees. Evonik expands lab in China ESSEN, Germany—Evonik ex - panded its technical service labora- tory for pharmaceutical polymers in Shanghai from 130 to 750 square meters to meet increased Chinese market demands. In addition to stan- dard lab services, the facility provides customer training, including simula- tion of coating, tabletting, and gran- ulation processes. Bosch Japan relocates WAIBLINGEN, Germany—Bosch Packaging moved its Honjo, Japan, site 70 kilometers north of Tokyo to Musashi. The new 3,240-square- meter site offers more space for de - velopment and assembly of its machinery. WuXi PharmaTech, TruTags collaborate SHANGHAI, China—WuXi Pharma Tech has invested in TruTag Technologies, Honolulu, HI, the developer of a nearly invisible, edible security technology in which mil- lions of optical patterns are embed- ded into dust-sized particles thinner than a human hair. The partnership will allow WuXi to offer TruTag's on- dose authentication system to its global customers. www. tabletscapsules .com m-IndInnovBN_46-47_Masters 5/14/14 10:19 AM Page 47