Carmel Magazine

Carmel Magazine, Holiday-11.14

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Crafting a Community One Stitch at a Time SHORTCUTS NEIGHBORS 66 C A R M E L M A G A Z I N E • H O L I D A Y 2 0 1 4 Former Carmel High School teacher and fashion designer Bella Lofaso opened a crafting and sewing studio four years ago in downtown Monterey. She is delighted that people have a new interest in the "very valuable skill" of sewing. Photo: Kelli Uldall B ella Lofaso's cheerful Monterey studio is home to sewing, crafting and design projects of all types. A former fashion designer who was taught to sew as a child by her grandmother, Lofaso taught Carmel High School students and adults for 12 years before opening her own place four years ago. She explains that there has been a renaissance in crafting and sewing, as reflected by the popularity of her classes and open studio hours for all ages. "We all have an innate desire to create something," she says. "There is a wonderful modern movement in tandem with organic textiles and buy- ing local. A whole new generation of men and women are discovering sewing, and Baby Boomers are coming back to it." Popular projects include tote bags, pillows, aprons, quilts, and holiday- themed gifts, as well as friends creating items together for special occa- sions. Lofaso frequently donates use of her studio to nonprofit groups, such as the local chapter of the National Charity League, which recently created blankets for premature infants. "Sewing is a very valuable skill," she says. "You are using engineering, math, problem solving and critical thinking. It teaches you a lot of patience." When she's not teaching classes at the studio, including summer camps for kids, Lofaso works with homeschooled children, helps people order and set up their own sewing machines, and assists local restaurant Montrio Bistro with whatever projects they might need, from uniforms, to cushions, to curtains. People looking for a space to create can purchase a punch card, which allows them to sew with Lofaso available to assist. "Sometimes at the studio we have three generations of people all working on something different," she says. "It's really sweet." Bella's Studio is located at 140 West Franklin St., Suite 205 in Monterey. For more information, call 831/920-2272 or go to —Brett Wilbur

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