Retail Observer

December 2014

The Retail Observer is an industry leading magazine for INDEPENDENT RETAILERS in Major Appliances, Consumer Electronics and Home Furnishings

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DECEMBER 2014 RETAILOBSERVER.COM 3 ®/tm ©2014 KitchenAid. All rights reserved. *Compared to KitchenAid ® dishwashers without the Ultra-Fine Filter. 35% LESS WATER 18% LESS TIME 13% LESS ENERGY * With the top-rated performance, our KitchenAid ® KDTM354D Dishwasher is in a league of its own. Our exclusive Ultra-Fine Filter continuously cleans the water, creating shorter cycles on the heaviest loads. Our filter is maintenance-free and makes our dishwasher elite in every way. From cooktops to ranges, ovens and dishwashers, we deliver exceptional performance in every part of the kitchen. Because when the dishes are done right, there's so much more to make.

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