Retail Observer

December 2014

The Retail Observer is an industry leading magazine for INDEPENDENT RETAILERS in Major Appliances, Consumer Electronics and Home Furnishings

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DECEMBER 2014 RETAILOBSERVER.COM 67 2015 ENERGY STAR ® CERTIFIED DRYERS ARE ASSEMBLED IN MARION, OHIO BUNDLE A WHIRLPOOL ® PAIR TO SAVE MORE An ENERGY STAR ® qualified Whirlpool ® dryer will save over $1,700 throughout its life me. * Combined with the advanced, energy-saving technology in qualified washers, an ENERGY STAR ® qualified Whirlpool ® laundry pair will help you save over $4,200 throughout the life me of the pair † and even more energy. DOUBLE YOUR SAVINGS WITH A MAYTAG ® PAIR Save over $4,200 throughout the life me of the pair † when coupling a new ENERGY STAR ® qualified Maytag ® electric dryer with any new full-sized Maytag ® front load washer. OVER $ 1,700 in life me dryer energy savings * OVER $ 4,200 in life me water and energy pair savings † WED72HED WED81HED WED87HED WED95HED WED97HED MED3100D MED4100D MED5100D MED7100D MED8100D WED97HED MED8100D MHW8100D Whirlpool Corporation is the first appliance manufacturer to offer electric dryers with ENERGY STAR ® qualification. These qualified Whirlpool and Maytag brand models actually exceed government efficiency standards by at least 20% to help conserve natural resources and save money. They do this with advanced energy-saving options that keep the dual heating elements running at the most efficient capacity. Then, Advanced Moisture Sensing technology helps stop the drying cycle at exactly the right time for a performance that can help save your customers over $1,700 throughout the lifetime of the dryer.* In fact, it's like cylinder deactivation in V6 (6-cylinder) engines for better fuel economy. At cruising speed, controls will shut off half the cylinders and run on only 3 cylinders to use less gas. 80% of U.S. homes have a clothes dryer, and these appliances account for approximately 6% of the country's residen al electricity consump on. ** Remind customers that replacing old, inefficient dryer models provide benefits like advanced features and significant energy savings. REAL TALK 20% BETTER THAN THE STANDARD CLOTHES DRYERS ARE THE NEXT FRONTIER FOR SIGNIFICANT RESIDENTIAL ENERGY EFFICIENCY GAINS - NICK GILLESPIE, SENIOR MANAGER OF GOVERNMENT RELATIONS FOR WHIRLPOOL CORPORATION " " INDUSTRY'S FIRST ENERGY STAR ® CERTIFIED DRYERS

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