Metropolitan Bakery "Grown- up" Caramel Corn. The clas- sically trained duo behind the eponymous Philadelphia bakery has developed a sophis- ticated and addicting take on popcorn. This line of sweet-and- savory snacks takes inspiration from "mature" flavors: Stout with Smoked Almonds brings the malt and chocolate undertones of stout
beer, Bourbon-Infused is nut-free and an addicting accompani- ment to its sweet caramel, and Spiced Peanut Butter combines a childhood favorite (plus whole peanuts) with a curry kick.
Oogie's Gourmet Popcorn Kettle Corn. Classic options still get a share of the spotlight, such as with Oogie's recent introduction of its sweet and salty Kettle Corn, in sea-salted Original and Sticks & Stonez, which adds pret- zel sticks to the mix. Both are choles- terol- and trans fat–free and kosher, and they're available in 2-ounce and 8-ounce bags. Also check out Oogie's other gour- met popcorn flavors, such as Cracked Pepper & Asiago and Spicy Chipotle & Lime.
Sunflower Food Company Farmers Popcorn Cob. These Kansas-grown corn cobs need only a few minutes in the microwave, just like bagged popcorn, but they're much more fun to watch. The ingredient list contains nothing but pure corn, so each 150-calorie cob makes for a healthy, tasty snack for kids and adults—high in fiber and protein, and no saturated fat, trans fat or sodium. Available individually wrapped and in 3-packs from the gourmet snack maker of seeds, nuts and other salty and sweet treats.
Lehi Valley Crave Canyon is helping to
revitalize the popcorn market with bright packaging and bold flavors, each with a playful and memorable name.
Urban Accents Popcorn Seasonings and Drizzles. Please any palate with Urban Accents' six sea- sonings and two drizzle toppings that'll give pop- corn (and even other foods) a boost. The com- pany's creative seasoning flavors include Tangy Dill Pickle and Spicy
Chili Lime, while the drizzles bring a dose of richness with Chocolate Cherry and Buttery Caramel Corn. Urban Accents also offers charming gift packs, such as the Cheesy Popcorn Seasoning Duo, which pairs up its White Cheddar and Cracked Pepper & Asiago seasonings, and the Movie Night Popcorn Set, which packs together 16 ounces of White Gold kernels, three seasonings and a grapeseed oil spritzer for added light flavor.
Wabash Valley Farms Packaged Popcorn. At the heart of a deli- cious bowl of popcorn are the kernels them- selves. Wabash Valley Farms is home to an array of kernel variet- ies, available in 1-, 2-
and 6-pound packages. From kettle corn to low-salt to fireside popping kits, there's a popcorn for any occasion and preference. Try tender, hull-free Jack's Red Strawberry Popcorn, grown in the Midwest, or the Popcorn 4 Pack Sampler, featuring Big & Yellow, Tender & White, Vintage Red and the rainbow-colored Flavorful Medley. |SFM|
Eva Meszaros is associate editor of Specialty Food Magazine.
MARCH 2012 41