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10 September 2015 Tablets & Capsules W As the number and variety of products made on tablet presses grow, man- ufacturers of tablet presses and tooling continue to advance the science of tablet compression. This article discusses how computer modeling helps determine maximum compression force of tablet tooling. hile pharmaceuticals and dietary supplements account for the great majority of tablets, they're also found in the chemical, food, confectionery, and energy industries. Each of these sectors has high standards and each demands well engineered, well made tooling. To meet those demands, tooling manufacturers have turned to computer modeling to refine or replace some of the textbook standards, includ- tablet tooling Understanding maximum compression force Kevin Queensen Natoli Engineering ing how to calculate maximum compression force for vari- ous tablet configurations. Manufacturing a high-quality tablet punch starts with high-quality tool steel, and the tabletting industry uses many different types, each with unique properties that suit different applications. In the USA, the American Iron and Steel Institute (AISI) sets the standards for tool steels, and for many years, AISI S7 was preferred for many applications because it offers excellent shock resistance and thus good resistance to splitting/shearing stress. It also withstands rela- tively high compression forces.