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Markets 8 Industry news 8 Industry innovations 50 Calendar 52 Supplier news 54 Advertiser index 58 TABLETS & CAPSULES tabletting Understanding maximum compression force 10 Kevin Queensen Assessing the performance of a co-processed HPMC-lactose excipient using an instrumented tablet press 14 Muralikrishnan Angamuthu, Swetha Ainampudi, and John Sturgis Jr. Issue focus: Tabletting 20 Tablets & Capsules (ISSN 1549-9928 print; ISSN 1938-9159 online) is published eight times a year in January, March, April, May, July, September, October, and November by CSC Publishing, Inc., 1155 Northland Drive, Saint Paul, MN 55120. Periodicals postage paid at Saint Paul, MN, and additional mailing office. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to Tablets & Capsules, 1155 Northland Drive, Saint Paul, MN 55120. departments w w w . t a b l e t s c a p s u l e s . c o m September 2015 Volume 13 Number 6 CPhI preview 26 Liquid capsule filling: A survey of what's available 28 The advantages of alternative solid dosage forms 32 Thomas Hein Delivery platforms: A survey of what's available 38 AAPS preview 40 Eye on Excipients 44 Carolina Diaz Quijano Back page 60 Mike Tobyn also in this issue Cover photo shows tablets passing though a deduster during factory acceptance testing. As the deduster's helix conveys tablets upward, an integrated sensor monitors its vibration, and a controller continuously adjusts vibration intensity to maintain consis- tency, independent of tablet quantity or load. The deduster integrates with all makes of metal detectors and handles as many as 6.3 million tablets or capsules per hour. It disassem- bles in 2 minutes without tools. Courtesy of Krämer US, Allendale, NJ. Tel. 201 962 8200, fax 201 962 8197. Website: