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AAPS presidents, followed by a keynote address on the future of medicine from 18-year-old cancer researcher, Jack Andraka. A welcome reception will be held afterward on the exhibition floor. Monday's sessions begin at 7:30 am with "Avoiding Brain Freeze," a review of technologies for drug delivery across the blood-brain barrier. This year, all sunrise sessions will start at 7:30 instead of 7:00 in response to attendee feedback. Nor will there will be meetings or scientific sessions during lunch breaks, and more time will be allotted for poster sessions and networking. For more on format changes, see Monday afternoon sessions include symposia on implementing contin - uous manufacturing; tabletting melt- extruded, spray-atomized, and ad - sorbed particles; and international harmonization. A live session demon - strating the essentials of stability testing is scheduled from 2:00 to 4:00. Other sessions will focus on modified release, nutraceuticals, patient-centric drug development, pre-formulation, and Quality by Design (QbD). Tuesday begins with a sunrise ses - sion comparing simple solubiliza tion to sophisticated supersaturation as drug delivery strategies. A session about three-dimensional printing of phar maceuticals runs concurrently. Later that morning, speakers will a preview The annual meeting of the Ameri - can Association of Pharmaceutical Scientists (AAPS) takes place in Or - lando, FL, October 25-29. Approx - imately 7,500 attendees are expected, offering an opportunity to network with CROs and CMOs, suppliers, research partners, con sultants, students, and potential employers and employees. The conference will focus on seven key themes: big data; drug delivery tech nologies; identifying and controlling impurities; assessing target-site exposure using micro - dialysis and imaging; molecular modeling in drug design; global r egu l a tor y challenges; and drug transporters and pharmacokinetics. Education Pre-conference sessions begin Saturday, October 24 at 1:00 pm with a workshop, "Formulation, Processing, and Testing of Func tionally Coated Multi-Particulates." Sunday morning sessions begin at 8:00, with a choice of full-day courses on mutagenic impurities, drug transporters, and delivery technologies for oral small molecules and peptide therapeutics. Additional sessions focus on predictive assess ments of drug toxicity and nanotech nology in personalized medicine. The conference officially starts Sunday at 4:30 pm with opening remarks from current and incoming AAPS Annual Meeting & Exposition Academia, industry converge in Orlando 40 September 2015 Tablets & Capsules What? AAPS Annual Meeting and Exposition Who? Professional pharmaceutical scientists employed in academia, industry, or government Where? Orange County Convention Center, Orlando, FL When? October 25-29 Registration: Register online at Conference: 8:00 am to 6:30 pm on Oct. 25 7:30 am to 7:30 pm on Oct. 26-28 7:30 am to noon on Oct. 29 Exposition: 6:30 pm to 8:30 pm on Oct. 25 8:30 am to 5:00 pm on Oct. 26-27 8:30 am to 1:30 pm on Oct. 28 For more information: AAPS Tel. 703 243 2800 Accommodations: Reserve rooms online at