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Process Validation for Drugs and Bio- logics. October 19-20 in Malvern, PA. Conducted by Center for Professional Innovation & Education. Tel. 610 688 1708. Website: Tablet Production for Operators and Supervisors. October 19-20 in Burlin - game, CA. Conducted by the Center for Professional Advancement. Tel. 732 238 1600. Website: www.cfpa. com. Excipient GMP Auditor Workshop. October 20-22 in Arlington, VA. Pre- sented by IPEC-Americas. Tel. 571 814 3449. Website: Advanced Tablet Press Operation. October 21 in Burlingame, CA. Con- ducted by the Center for Professional Advancement. Tel. 732 238 1600. Web- site: CRN's Annual Symposium for the Dietary Supplement Industry. October 21-24 in Palm Springs, CA. Conducted by the Council for Responsible Nutri- tion. Tel. 202 204 7700. Website: Effective Internal and External Quality Assurance Auditing for FDA Regu- lated Industries. October 21-22 in Malvern, PA. Conducted by Center for Professional Innovation & Education. Tel. 610 688 1708. Website: www.cfpie. com. Advanced Aqueous Film Coating. October 22 in Burlingame, CA. Con- ducted by the Center for Professional Advancement. Tel. 732 238 1600. Web- site: Formulation, Processing, and Testing of Functionally Coated Multiparticu- lates Workshop. October 24 in Orlando, FL. Conducted by the Con- trolled Release Society. Tel. 651 454 7250. Website: www.controlledrelease AAPS Annual Meeting and Exposition. October 25-29 in Orlando, FL. Con- ducted by American Association of Pharmaceutical Scientists. Tel. 703 243 2800. Website: Global Summit on Herbals and Nat- ural Remedies. October 26-27 in Chi - cago, IL. Conducted by the OMICS Group International. Tel. 650 268 9744. Website: www.pharmaceutical con - IVT Validation Week. October 27-29 in Philadelphia, PA. Conducted by the Institute of Validation Technology (IVT). Tel. 800 817 8601. Website: Tablets & Capsules September 2015 53 •Industry Events •Tools & Resources •Online Buyer's Guide Can't find what you need? E-mail us at: TC@CSCPUB.COM WWW.TABLETSCAPSULES.COM N W ow on TABLETS & CAPSULES ebsite Follow us on Twitter @TabletsCapsules