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110 C A R M E L M A G A Z I N E • H O L I D A Y 2 0 1 5 issues, putting on an emotional mask will be quickly unveiled by the horses, who react by balking (no longer fol- lowing a human who is leading them) or other behaviors. "They are social animals who have sur vived for millions of years," Magnelli explains. "They communi- cate constantly. They need to have a sense of order and direction to sur- vive. They are extremely aler t and keen to nonverbal communication, and 85 percent of human communi- cation is nonverbal. They feel and resonate with emotion." Magnelli may start with a simple process, such as having a client lead a horse around some trees while discussing an issue in their life. Horses quickly sense when a human is becoming anxious, angry, upset or covering something up, and may refuse to follow the human any longer or retreat. "The process is connecting with the horse, beginning the relationship, starting to feel what they feel in a safe environment, and having it reflect- ed back to you like a giant IMAX movie screen mirror," Magnelli says. "Horses feel intent." Horses also do not tolerate some- one dwelling on the past or future, and demand presence. And in the paddock, there's not much opportuni- ty to check out and fool around on your cell phone. "You are with 1500 pounds of an animal that has the fastest reaction time of any domesticated animal," Magnelli says. Not a riding based program, the EAGALA-based program requires that a mental health expert be present. Magnelli has a proposal to bring the training program to all the Boys and Girls Clubs in the United States, and is looking for a corporate sponsor. "We are able to use what happens with the horses in a therapeutic way, reach the heart and make changes." For more information on the Horsepower Program, including attending an Experiencing Horses Workshop, or to donate, please call 831/625-9005 or visit The elegance, sensitivity and beauty of horses is healing to be around, Magnelli explains. By being in their presence while working through issues, clients can release patterns of trauma and addiction, with the guidance of a mental health professional. Dr. Magnelli, formerly of CHOMP, is certified through EAGALA, Equine Assisted Growth and Learning Association.