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T hough a mere 5 feet tall and 85 pounds, Georgia Ann Thompson Broadwick was a giant among early 20th century aviators. Carrying the apt nickname of "Tiny," Broadwick was the first woman to parachute from an airplane and the first person to jump from a plane and freefall—as opposed to a static jump in which the chute is opened upon exiting the aircraft. Cyn Currie has only a slight size advantage over Tiny, but the two have a lot in common: one is an abiding love of jumping out of airplanes. Currie is so enamored with the sport of skydiving that she left behind a stable marine engineering career for that of a professional skydiving instructor, currently employed at Skydive Monterey Bay at the Marina Municipal Airport. If it's true that, as Mark Twain said, "the secret of success is making your vocation your vacation," then Currie's life is a blue-sky triumph. Born in South Africa, Currie moved to South Florida as a young girl. Quite naturally, she gravitated to the water : swimming, surfing and sailing were her passions. "My father taught me to scuba dive when I was 9," she recalls. "At 19, I thought I was a fish." Then, one fine Florida day, Currie's father Chris asked her if she'd like to go skydiving. "I immediately said, 'Yes!' We landed close together," she recalls. "Dad and I looked at each other and said, 'Where do we learn to do this?" They were hooked. "My dad was 56 on that jump." Now in his 60s, he's done almost 1,000 jumps. The younger Currie currently has more than 10,000 jumps under her parachute harness. The Sky is No Limit for Cyn Currie Skydiving and BASE Jumping Elates Local Thrill-seeker B Y M I C H A E L C H AT F I E L D 132 C A R M E L M A G A Z I N E • H O L I D A Y 2 0 1 5 Photo: Cyn Currie