Carmel Magazine

Carmel Magazine HO15

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P E N I N S U L A S C E N E 188 C A R M E L M A G A Z I N E • H O L I D A Y 2 0 1 5 2015 Jazz Legends Gala Honors Chick Corea The Monterey Jazz Festival launched its 58th annual festival with a gala which paid tribute to a true jazz legend – Chick Corea. Over 200 people attended the event, which was hosted by Terence Blanchard and featured a special musical performance by Cyrille Aimee and the Monterey Jazz Festival's Next Gener- ation Jazz Orchestra. All proceeds support the Mont- erey Jazz Festival's year-round education programs. Luis Alvarez, Terence Blanchard, Tim Jackson Colleen Bailey, Bill Monning, Cathy O'Connor Al Adolph, Michael Fields, Dee Adolph Mary Soliven, Patt Casion, Letty Navarro, Beth Casion Bill Monning, Chick Corea Andy Weis, Diane Mitchella, Michael A. Moss Kanoa Mendenhall, Anthony Hervey, Tim Murphy, Jasim Perales James Booth, Corena Navarro, Ryan Hinckley Lavonne Chin, Meg Clovis Janice Skow, Howard Brunn Cyrille Aimee, Terence Blanchard Mary Wright, Peter & Donna Gordon, Terry O'Connor Scott & Nancy Scheid, Kim & John Holder Roz & Howard Fisher, Sharon Meresman, Lynn Farris Photos by Kelli Uldall

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