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Sofia & Ariana Devers Cheryl Tom, Kyla Tom Karinne & Richard Bauer P E N I N S U L A S C E N E Photos by Kelli Uldall 196 C A R M E L M A G A Z I N E • H O L I D A Y 2 0 1 5 Ventana Wildlife Society's Feathers in Flight The Big Sur coast provided a scenic backdrop for 250 guests to enjoy hors d'oevres, live music, and a display of live birds while raising money for California Condor recovery. During a spirited auction featuring broadcaster Hunter Finnell, guests bid on the opportunity to release a condor, along with restaurant, spa, and entertainment packages donat- ed by local businesses. Enzio Lucido, Sal Lucido, Noah Coughlan Markus, Laura, Stefan & Nina Hubrich David Holodiloff, Gene Mason Joel Hernandez. Chris Devers, Kiki May Kelly Sorenson, Sam Farr Charles & Diane DeWeese Nanci Filippi, Christy McBain Killian Briggs, Allyn Snider, Margaux Schafer Matthew Khalar, Phil Bergman Maija & Cody West Tom Nootbaar, Shirley Nootbaar Wendy, Joe & Charlotte Burnett Sabrina Bacungan, Xochil Calderon, Aki Kurosawa