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Young Entrepreneur Finds Sweet Success with Honey R ecently, Inc. magazine published a list entitled, "40 Young People Who Became Millionaires Before They Were 20." Included in the list were Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg, penny stock guru Tim Sykes and entertainer Justin Bieber. Jake Reisdorf is well on his way to inclusion in that rarified group. This 12 year old founded Carmel Honey Company, raising bees and harvest- ing their honey. "I went to the Monterey County Fair when I was 10 and saw a beekeeping display," he says. "I got interested in bees, thought they were really cool." Soon thereafter, a teacher gave him the assignment of creating a website on a subject of his choice. Naturally, he chose bees. Taking his interest a step further, Reisdorf acquired a hive and began selling honey. Today he owns more than 40 hives placed in residential areas throughout the Peninsula. "We maintain the hives for a fee—kind of like a pool service but for pollination," the young entrepreneur explains. "The client gets their plants pollinated and a portion of the honey." Is he afraid of being stung? Not really. "Bees are defensive," he says. "They're defending their hive or the queen. Because they die when they sting, it's a suicide mis- sion." The harvested honey is sold at community events such as the Moss Landing Antique Fair and Sand City's West End Celebration. Jake donates a portion of the profits to UC Davis' Honey and Pollination Center. The business is a family affair. "This venture has brought our family to the next level," Jake's father Jeff says. "We didn't know any- thing about bees two years ago; now we're all involved. It's brought us closer together." Carmel Honey Company is teaming up with Earthbound Farms to establish an educational/demonstration project for kids and adults. "I'm all about education," Reisdorf says. "I could speak for hours about bees." Future goals include opening a "honey tasting room" in Carmel, offer- ing honeys from around the world. Learn more at —Michael Chatfield SHORTCUTS BUSINESS 62 C A R M E L M A G A Z I N E • H O L I D A Y 2 0 1 5 A beekeeping display at the Monterey County Fair sent 12-year-old Jake Reisdorf on a path to forming the Carmel Honey Company, which now sells jars at community events. Photo: Kelli Uldall