Machinery Lubrication

Machinery Lubrication November December 2015

Machinery Lubrication magazine published by Noria Corporation

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6 | November - December 2015 | L u b r i c a t i o n P r o g r a m s n my years of traveling the globe and assessing lubrication and reliability programs, I have noticed that every successful program has a clearly defined project champion. This person is the indi- vidual within a program who takes on the burden of ensuring that everyone involved is on board and behind the ultimate success of the project. Champions greatly reduce the likelihood of a project's failure. They are on the front lines and in direct communication with the entire team at all times. In essence, they are the guardians of the project. Their passion should be infectious because the tasks often cannot be completed alone. Champions must inspire, rally, encourage and motivate the team to successfully complete the project. CHAMPION RESPONSIBILITIES Identify Strategic Objectives Champions must fully understand all the intricacies of the project so they can easily convey the "why" to others. They should also be able to answer the "what's in it for me?" question for every team member involved. Convey the Vision Champions work with the team to ensure the project's vision is successfully conveyed. They need to be able to lead the group to a common goal. Conveying what success looks like and making sure the team members all share the same vision will help increase the project's efficiency. Implement Best Practices Change in an organization is difficult. The champion needs to know exactly what the best practices entail and should always be pushing toward those practices. If incor- rect practices are implemented, it becomes nearly impossible to initiate change again in a short timeframe. Identify and Eliminate Obstacles Champions must identif y and elimi- nate obstacles that may threaten the project's viability within the organization. Why Your LUBRICATION PROGRAM Needs a CHAMPION I FROM THE FIELD Jerem y Wrigh t | Nori a Corpor at ioN The champion's role is important not only to the success of individual projects but also to the organization as a whole.

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