Retail Observer

December 2015

The Retail Observer is an industry leading magazine for INDEPENDENT RETAILERS in Major Appliances, Consumer Electronics and Home Furnishings

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The centerpiece of every great home is a great kitchen. For nearly a century, Thermador innovation has rede ned the way America cooks. It is this rich heritage that has made us more popular than ever. With industry- leading pricing packages, our ONE-TWO-FREE ® program and unmatched customer service, Thermador will bring signi cant value to any home and community. Thermador will be your partner every step of the way. LEARN MORE ABOUT THE BEST PROGRAM IN THE INDUSTRY AT THERMADOR.COM/ONE-TWO-FREE ©2015 BSH HOME APPLIANCES CORPORATION. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. 15TH004-14-119854-2 INNOVATION DRIVEN BY REPUTATION YOURS AND OURS

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