Specialty Food Magazine


Specialty Food Magazine is the leading publication for retailers, manufacturers and foodservice professionals in the specialty food trade. It provides news, trends and business-building insights that help readers keep their businesses competitive.

Issue link: https://www.e-digitaleditions.com/i/623506

Contents of this Issue


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features 52 cheese focus Cheese, American-Style Fresh ideas in mixed-milk varieties and creatively favored washes and wraps are diferentiating a group of U.S. originals. 58 producer profile Finding the Perfect Partnership Overcoming challenges as a team helped this successful duo establish a thriving business. 70 giving back A Personal Connection to Charity Sheila G. Mains and her team use their successful Brownie Brittle line to raise funds for pediatric cancer research. 78 producer profile Creating a New Family Staple, Rooted in Tradition A mother's quest for a more nutritious snack has evolved into a successful labor of love. 83 product roundup Fresh Florals: New Botanical Foods and Beverages Te latest crop of chocolates, cookies, drinks, favored sugars, popcorn, preserves, and even savory tomato sauces are anything but garden variety. 86 category spotlight The New Cofee Culture Consumers still fock to their traditional cafeine fx but better beans, and new brew methods are driving category reinvention. 101 product roundup Caramel Invasion Once relegated to confections and dessert sauces, this sweet treat is turning up everywhere. 107 retail therapy Hiring Strategies Specialty food retailers share how they approach selecting the right employees. 58 departments 1 editor 's letter 4 meet the contributor 5 from the publisher 10 buyers' picks 14 trends & happenings 112 Specialty Food Association News 146 resource guide 148 flashback CONTENTS VOL. 46, NO. 1 WINTER 2016 101 109 70 86 SPECIAL ADVERTISING SECTION What's New, What's Hot! begins on p. 126 109 prepared food focus Cooking with Cofee Consider creating special dishes, like a vegetarian chili or braised Moroccan lamb shanks, with this magical elixir. 110 fsma update The Final FSMA Rule Arrives: What You Need to Know Te FDA has released its fnal rule on Preventive Controls for Human and Animal Food. Here's what it all means for the specialty food industry.

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