Specialty Food Magazine


Specialty Food Magazine is the leading publication for retailers, manufacturers and foodservice professionals in the specialty food trade. It provides news, trends and business-building insights that help readers keep their businesses competitive.

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Page 111 of 151

C offee is in everything, from sweet treats to savory foods, so consider creating special dishes with the magical elixir. Just make sure you pick the right kind for the recipe. Flavors can range from subtle to bold with hints of wine, fruit, smoke, nuts, and other notes, so choose one that suits your tastes and menu selections. For instance, brewed coffee often works well for cooking, but sometimes using ground coffee in aromatic rubs for grilling meats is a great choice, too, adding coffee flavor without adding additional liquid. The powdered beans caramelize, turning into a delicious crust that seals in the juices. Joanna Pruess has created coffee-inspired recipes for Braised Moroccan Lamb Shanks, Mocha-Chocolate Chip Mini Angel Food Cakes with Salted Caramel Glaze, and Vegetarian Mole Chili (pictured). Find the recipes at specialtyfood.com/coffee-recipes. PHOTOS: MARK FERRI; FOOD STYLING: LESLIE ORLANDINI; PROPS STYLING: FRANCINE MATALON-DEGNI prepared food focus WINTER 2016 109 Cooking With Coffee @ FIND 3 RECIPES ONLINE

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