Specialty Food Magazine


Specialty Food Magazine is the leading publication for retailers, manufacturers and foodservice professionals in the specialty food trade. It provides news, trends and business-building insights that help readers keep their businesses competitive.

Issue link: https://www.e-digitaleditions.com/i/623506

Contents of this Issue


Page 125 of 151

The Specialty Food Association is a not-for-proft trade association with 3,200+ members—manufacturers, importers, distributors, brokers, and retailers—who are dedicated to producing, discovering, and marketing foods that are new, different, and of exceptional quality. The Association provides the tools, knowledge and connections to help its members succeed in an always-evolving marketplace. In addition to producing the Fancy Food Shows in New York and San Francisco—North America's largest specialty food and beverage events—the Association publishes the award-winning Specialty Food Magazine and Specialty Food News. It also provides key annual industry research and presents prestigious awards of excellence including the sof Awards, honoring the best specialty foods of the year, as well as Leadership and Lifetime Achievement Awards. Join the Specialty Food Assocation today! Get access to many member benefts & services. Learn more at specialtyfood.com/membership . THE SPECIALTY FOOD ASSOCIATION: BRINGING YOU THE FANCY FOOD SHOWS FOR OVER 60 YEARS SAVE THE DATE FOR THE SUMMER FANCY FOOD SHOW! June 26 – 28, 2016 New York City Learn more and register at fancyfoodshows.com. It's all at your fngertips with the Fancy Food Show mobile app! Make this your most productive trip yet—take advantage of the searchable exhibitor lists, interactive foor plan, customizable Show schedule, education session details and more. Visit specialtyfood.com/showapp or search "Fancy Food Show" in the iTunes or Google Play stores. Everything starts at the farm. The trends start at the Fancy Food Show. –Henry Wainer, President & Owner, Sid Wainer & Son, Specialty Produce & Specialty Foods " "

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