Specialty Food Magazine


Specialty Food Magazine is the leading publication for retailers, manufacturers and foodservice professionals in the specialty food trade. It provides news, trends and business-building insights that help readers keep their businesses competitive.

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S P E C I A L A DV E R T I S I N G S E C T I O N s p e c i a l t y f o o d.c o m/w n w h Booth numbers listed in lower-right-corner of ads in this section are for the Winter Fancy Food Show Booth 3508 Facebook: PartnersCrackers service@partnerscrackers.com Kent, WA partnerscrackers.com 800.632.7477 Everything & More Crackers Partners, A Tasteful Choice Company Reformulated recipe! Reintroducing Wisecrackers® Everything & More Snack Crackers. Now made with 11 whole grains and seeds, including Sprouted Wheat, Quinoa, Flax, and Chia. 340mg Omega-3 per serving, no sugar added, non-GMO and certi- fied Kosher. 4-oz boxes, 6 per case. what's new Booth 1573 Facebook: Perky Jerky Twitter: @PerkyJerky info@perkyjerky.com Greenwood Village, CO perkyjerky.com 888.343.6113 Pale Ale and BBQ With Seoul Perky Jerky Introducing two new flavors! Brewmaster's Pale Ale: If beer and jerky go hand-in-hand, why not put your beer and jerky in just one hand? BBQ With Seoul: Get your global grill- ing experience without the jet lag. All Natural, Gluten-Free. Best tasking Jerky on Earth. what's new Booth 1341 Facebook: Pete's Seafood Club Twitter: @PetesSeafood cs@peteseafoodclub.com Vernon, CA peteseafoodclub.com 855.632.3663 Peruvian Ceviche Pete's Seafood Ceviche is the most popular dish in Peru and Pete's Peruvian Ceviche is a traditional preparation of this refreshing dish. Firm white fish marinated in a blend of citrus juices and Peruvian Aji Amarillo Chili gives this ceviche a light, bright flavor with a hint of fruity heat. what's new Booth 841 Twitter: @PocoDolceSF Facebook: pocodolce info@pocodolce.com San Francisco, CA pocodolce.com 415.255.1443 81% Cacao Olive Oil Bar Poco Dolce Confections For the chocolate aficionado - a dark twist on our popular Olive Oil & Sea Salt Bar. This indulgent chocolate bar is hand-crafted by folding California Olive Oil into our 81% cacao blend of dark chocolate, and finishing it with Grey Sea Salt. what's new Booth 1756 Instagram: powellmahoneycocktails info@powellandmahoney.com Salem, MA powellandmahoney.com 978.745.4332 Sparkling Cocktail Mixers Powell & Mahoney Introducing a new line of carbonated cocktail mixers from the award winning craft mixer brand, Powell & Mahoney! Flavors include: Lemon Tonic, Ginger Beer, Spiced Grapefruit Tonic, and Mojito. what's new Booth 4804 Facebook: proimage.tulsa sales@calvertco.com pi-pkg.com 800.722.8550 Let It Shine Professional Image Let Professional Image make your product shine with our new elite printing techniques and substrates. For new customers, we are offering to waive the tooling cost on all first-time custom packaging orders of $1,500 or more. Promotion expires March 31st, 2016. what's new Booth 1581 Instagram: PurenessHealth Facebook: Pureness Health info@purenesshealth.com Torrance, CA purenesshealth.com 310.530.6271 Pureness Brown Rice Vinegar Pureness Health All natural brown rice vinegar! Slow aged in ceramic ware for exceptional taste and quality, Pureness Vinegar is delicious, nutritious and rich in amino acids. Great for dressings, cooking and healthy drinks! Brown Rice, Ume Brown Rice and Anka Brown Rice. 600ml, 410ml & 135ml. what's new Booth: 3412 Twitter: @King Leo Candy Facebook: King Leo Candy info@qcandy.com Henderson, NV Qcandy.com 702.565.4711 Chocolate Mint Puffs & Sticks Quality Candy Company A soft Chocolate Mint Puff and Soft Stick that satisfies any Chocolate crav- ing without the mess. This Cocoa enhanced candy melts smoothly giving a satisfying mouth feel while adding the fresh taste of Pure Peppermint Oil to refresh your mouth while being both Gluten & Fat Free. what's new WINTER 2016 133

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