Carmel Magazine

CM Winter 2016 Issue

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126 C A R M E L M A G A Z I N E • W I N T E R 2 0 1 6 CM: Of all the people you've interviewed, who has been the most interesting and who has been the worst to interview? JL: The worst is a lot of times not necessarily the person's fault…for example a lot of times on the "Tonight Show," you'd get a 17-year-old supermodel who has the face and the body of a woman but is really a teenager. Okay, what do I say to this person? You can't be flirtatious, because they're a kid in high school. So you're like, 'Where do you go to school?' You don't really relate to them in any way. You don't want to be some creepy old guy. They're kids. They're four years away from being 13… Sometimes the people who are fascinating aren't normally the people you'd expect to be…You talk to a lot of astronauts and you're like, 'What's it like to go into space?' [And they answer :] 'It's cool.' But then you get a guy like Story Musgrave who's an astronaut but also a philosopher and a writer, and he can put it in terms that make it a little more spiritual and interesting. Sometimes the best people are not the big stars, but the charac- ter actors. The big stars are beau- CARMEL VALLEY RANCH RESORT MEMBERSHIP YOUR PASSPORT TO PLAY YEAR-ROUND We are now offering four great membership opportunities: our popular Ranch Membership, Golf Family Membership, Junior Executive Golf Membership and Spa Aiyana Membership. Gain Exclusive Access to Our 500-Acre Playground Enjoy luxurious facilities for the young and the young at heart, featuring two saltwater pools and hot tubs, a 5,000 sq. ft. fitness center, instructor-lead fitness and wellness classes, a Pete Dye 18-hole masterpiece, 8 tennis courts and Spa Aiyana. Exclusive New Reciprocal Privileges Carmel Valley Ranch offers reciprocal privileges at world-class private clubs, resorts and entertainment venues around the globe. RECEIVE A COMPLIMENTARY "GOLF ROUND FOR TWO" AND A "MEMBER FOR THE DAY PASS" WHEN YOU SCHEDULE YOUR TOUR. Please call our Membership Director, Debora Mallouk, at 831.620.6479 or email at e are now offering four great membership opportunities: our popular We are now offering four great membership opportunities: our popular YOUR P CARMEL V Y YEAR T TO PLAY YEAR-ROUND ASSPOR ALLEY RA ARMEL VA e are now offering four great membership opportunities: our popular Y YEAR-ROUND ALLEY RANCH RECEIVE A COMPLIMENT ft. fitness center sq. tubs, a 5,000 Membership and Spa AR OMPLIMENTA alley Ranch offers reciprocal Carmel V Valley Ranch offers reciprocal -lead fitness and wellness classes, , instructor Membership. Aiyana Y "GOLF ROUND FOR TWO" alley Ranch offers reciprocal 831.620.6479 at AND A "MEMBER FOR THE DA , Deb Membership Director, Debora Mallouk, ASS" WHEN YOU Y P EMBER FOR THE DAY P , Debora Mallouk, "I'm not a big fan of closed roads," Leno says. "17-Mile Drive seems so un-American to me. It's a road; you should be able to go on it." Photo: NBC Universal, Inc.

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