The Capitol Dome

Winter 2015-16

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40 CAPITOL PUZZLES Choose from a contemporary view of the United States Capitol with the beautiful east front plaza or a turn-of-the-century view from the Washington Kiplinger collection. #002811 500 pc. East Front Capitol View $11.95 Members $10.75 #002967 1,000 pc. "View of Washington City" $15.95 Members $14.35 Americaopoly is American-themed property board game—based on one of the most popular board games of all time—includes such unique Americana game pieces such as a baseball cap, hot dog, Liberty Bell, Statue of Liberty, and many others. For two to six players, ages 8+. #002581 $24.95 Members $22.45 HISTORY OF THE CAPITOL is is one of the most important publications about the United States Capitol, originally published in two volumes by the U.S. Government in 1900 and 1903. In this one-volume edition, William Bushong sets the original publication in context with an introductor y essay on Glenn Brown and his place in the stor y of the Capitol and the city of Washing ton. 2007. 644 pp., hardcover, annotated edition. #002211 $69.95 Members $62.95 Enjoy winter gaming and reading! MARKET PLACE

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