2016 Bulletin

Spring 2016 Bulletin

Issue link: https://www.e-digitaleditions.com/i/667378

Contents of this Issue


Page 5 of 25

Executive Function Scores You Can Trust! Goldstein & Naglieri E x c e lle nc e I n A s s e s sm e n t s E x c e lle nc e I n A s s es sm e n t s E x c e lle nc e I n A s s es sm e n t s • Accurate Results: Normative samples are within 1% of U.S. Census targets for an accurate representation of the U.S. population. • Easy to Understand Reports: Generate three types of dynamic reports including a Comparative Report by comparing results from multiple rater forms (Parent, Teacher, and Self). • Strategies for Intervention: Utilize the CEFI's nine scales to pinpoint targets for intervention. • Save Time: Assess, score, and report from anywhere with the safe and secure MHS Online Assessment Center. Multi-Health Systems Inc. USA Tel: 1.800.456.3003 / CAN Tel: 1.800.268.6011 m h s . c o m • c u s t o m e r s e r v i c e @ m h s . c o m ® Measure Executive Function Provide a Comprehensive Evaluation to Develop Intervention Strategies Conduct Treatment Monitoring Student Success Available Strengths & Weaknesses to Ensuring The CEFI ™ provides a comprehensive evaluation of executive function strengths and weaknesses in youth aged 5 to 18 years.

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